By KIDDE Sa fe t y
AC P ow ered
Carbon Monoxide Alarm
See pages
User ’s Guid e
4-1 and 4-2 for
“What to do When the
Alarm Sounds”
Nighthaw k CO Alarm w ith
Digital Display, Peak Level Mem ory
and 9V Battery Backup
Model: KN-COPP-3
For questions concerning your Carbon Monoxide Alarm,
please call our Consumer Hotline at 1-800-880-6788.
Please have the follow ing information
ready w hen calling:
CO Alarm Model number (located on back of alarm):
CO Alarm Assembly number (located on back of alarm):
Date of Manufacture (located on the back of the alarm):
Date of Purchase:
Where Purchased:
Includes 9V Battery
810-1368 REV. A
Ab o u t t h is Us e r ’s Gu id e
In t ro d u ct io n
Notice we call this booklet a “User’s Guide” and not an “Owner’s
Manual.” This is because our intention is you use this guide just
as you will be using your Nighthawk CO alarm. Keep the guide
in a handy location and refer to it when you have questions
about your CO alarm, its functions and features, or if you have
questions about carbon monoxide. It will take about an hour of
your time, but it’s well worth it. Please read it in the sequence
presented. Reading this guide is the only way to learn how to use
your unit wisely and to know how to react in the event of an
This Nighthawk carbon monoxide (CO) alarm is an important
part of your family’s home safety plan. So important, the U.S.
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends that
every household should have at least one carbon monoxide
alarm. In fact, the CPSC chairman has said that CO alarms are “as
important to home safety as smoke alarms.” Yet because CO
alarms for the home haven’t been available until recently, most
people haven’t had much experience using them. As a new
owner of a CO alarm, there are some basic facts you should
know for your protection and convenience.
Many people think that CO alarms operate like smoke alarms.
And in some basic ways, this is true. Like smoke alarms, CO
alarms continuously monitor the air in your home and sound a
loud alarm to warn you of trouble.
P a rt One
Your Nighthaw k Carbon Monoxide Alarm, covers the
unique features of your Nighthawk carbon monoxide alarm, how
and where to install it, as well as information on testing and
maintaining your unit.
But, the similarities end here. The way you respond to a CO
alarm is quite different than that of a smoke alarm. That’s
because a house fire and a carbon monoxide problem are two
distinctly different situations. If your smoke alarm were to alarm,
you would quickly be able to judge the level of danger you were
in (if any) with your five senses: you could see and smell the
smoke, you could feel the heat, you could see and even hear the
fire burning. You could also readily see if your smoke alarm
were alarming in a non-emergency situation, say if someone
smoked up the kitchen with some seriously burnt toast. Because
your sense of sight, smell, hearing and touch give you so much
information, you could almost instantly judge what action to take
if you heard your smoke alarm.
P a rt Tw o
Carbon Monoxide - The Silent Killer, contains valuable
information about carbon monoxide (CO). From discovering the
most common sources of CO in your home to recognizing the
symptoms of CO poisoning, this section provides tips and infor-
mation that could help protect your family from carbon monox-
ide poisoning.
P a rt Three
What You Should Know Before the Alarm Sounds, pro-
vides a common sense approach to understanding the difference
between low level CO readings, high levels and emergency situ-
ations. This section also describes the effects of exposure to CO
levels over time and when your Nighthawk CO unit will alarm.
But now, what about a CO alarm? Carbon monoxide (CO) is
invisible, odorless, tasteless and non-irritating–completely unde-
tectable to your five senses. That’s why it’s so important to your
safety that you have a carbon monoxide alarm. But, how do you
know what to do if your unit alarms?
P a rt Four
What to do When the Unit Alarms, gives you step-by step
information on how to respond to the different alarm situations.
Also covered is whom to call for help if you think you have CO
in your home.
You have to learn what to do, because your five senses won’t tell
you. That’s why this user’s guide is so important. Please take
the time to read this guide from cover to cover, to familiarize
yourself with the facts about carbon monoxide, how your new
unit works, and what to do if it alarms. Then, find a handy place
to keep the guide so it will be readily available in the future when
you have a question. You might want to write down KIDDE
Safety’s toll-free customer service number and keep it with your
other important phone numbers for the same reason.
P a rt Five
Technical Information, covers the technical specifications of
your Nighthawk CO alarm.
P a rt Six
Frequently Asked Questions, contains the most commonly
asked questions about our alarms. Part six was written by
KIDDE Safety customer service representatives who handle thou-
sands of calls per month, year-round. This section provides you
with answers and tips that will most likely answer any questions
you might have after reading this user’s guide.
Thank you for making Nighthawk a part of your complete home
safety program. With proper installation and use, your new
Nighthawk CO alarm should provide you with years of depend-
able service.
Qu ick Se t -Up Gu id e
We urge you to read this entire m anual in the sequence it is presented.
But, if you only read one part of this guide initially, read this page!
Listed below are seven easy steps for setting up your Nighthawk CO alarm. Please read the entire guide for complete information.
Se t t in g u p yo u r CO a la r m fo r fir s t t im e o p e r a t io n :
Step 1
Step 5
Determine the best location for your CO alarm(s). Usually this
is in or near bedrooms. Refer to page 1-3 for complete
You will either see a flashing red dot or you will see three
eights in the digital display indicating the alarm is warm-
ing up. After approximately 20 seconds, the first reading will
appear on the digital display. The number on the digital dis-
play should be zero (0). If not, see page 1-5 for complete
information on normal operating characteristics.
Step 2
Your CO alarm is equipped to be mounted as a corded unit,
a direct plug unit or a table top unit. In the “as shipped” con-
figuration, the unit can be plugged directly into a wall sock-
et. (If your outlets are mounted horizontally, please refer to
page 1-4). If the transformer/adapter is taken out of the unit,
the unit can be mounted on the wall at eye level, while the
transformer is plugged into a wall socket. The unit can also
be set on a table if the support at the bottom of the unit is
pulled out (see illustrations on page 1-1). Refer to page 1-4
for further information on installing your alarm.
Step 6
Make sure the red dot in the digital display is blinking. Then
test the unit’s operation by pressing and releasing the
Test/Reset button. Within 15 seconds you will hear 4 quick
beeps – followed by 5 seconds of silence – followed by 4
quick beeps. For complete testing information, refer to page
Step 7
Step 3
While testing the alarm, have someone else check that the
alarm can be heard easily from the sleeping areas. The unit
should be located where it can wake you if it alarms at night.
See page 1-3 for complete information on the best locations
for your alarm.
A 9V battery is needed for backup in the event of a power
outage. When installing the battery, use an Energizer 522,
Duracell MN 1604 or, for extended life, use an Ultralife lithi-
um power cell model U9VL. Any of these batteries can be
purchased where you bought the alarm or at your local hard-
ware store. To install the battery, open the back door and
snap battery connector onto battery. You will hear the alarm
sound briefly to indicate the unit is receiving power. Place
battery into battery compartment and replace back door
(refer to page 1-1).
Caution: Continuous exposure to the loud 85 decibel alarm
at close range over an extended period of time may cause
hearing loss.
That’s it. Your Nighthawk CO alarm is now monitoring for the
presence of carbon monoxide.
Step 4
Plug the alarm into a standard, unswitched 120 volt AC elec-
tric outlet in one of the configurations listed in step 2.
P a r t On e – Yo u r Nig h t h a w k CO Ala r m
Ab out Your CO Ala rm
Nighthaw k CO Alarm – rear view
Thum b Grip for
Back Door
Rem oval
Rem ovable
The number one feature that sets Nighthawk apart from other
alarms is its unique digital display that gives you a continuos read-
out of CO levels from 30-999 parts per million. The digital
Thum b
(Slide Dow n)
display serves as an early warning of CO presence. Additionally,
the digital display gives you added time to find the source of the
CO and correct the problem, limiting the risk of unrecognized long
term exposure. Of course, the loud 85 decibel alarm warns of
Door “Latches”
at all four
corners of
higher levels.
Back Door
Nighthawk is the only CO alarm that gives you the choice of a
direct-plug, a 6' power cord or table top unit all in one. Depending
on how or where you wish to mount your unit, you can get exact-
ly what you need for a perfect application. These are just a few
reasons over 4.5 million families have chosen Nighthawk over
every other brand for this kind of life-saving protection.
back door
Nighthaw k CO Alarm (KN-COPP-3) – front view
Key Holes
Ca r b o n M o n o x id e
Slide Support for
Table Top and Direct Plug Use
Rear view w ith back door removed
PPM OF CO Move to Fresh Air
(Lb = Low or No Battery
9V Backup
Pow er
Red Dot
Cord Strain
Peak Level
Install 9V
battery provided
as show n
P a r t On e – Yo u r Nig h t h a w k CO Ala r m
Nig htha w k ’s Uniq ue Fea tures
Digital Display
Wha t Ca rb on Monoxid e Ala rm s Ca n a nd Ca nnot Do
CO alarms are designed to sense unacceptable levels of CO from
malfunctioning furnaces, appliances, gas engines or other
The continuous digital display shows you the level of carbon
monoxide (if any) the unit is sensing. The unit updates this reading
every 15 seconds so you can watch levels rise or fall.
Note: If the unit does not sense any CO, the reading is zero (0).
In most homes, the unit reads “0” all the time. A reading of “0” is
expected under normal conditions, and is good. The blinking dot
after the number shows you the unit is operating.
CO alarms provide early warning of the presence of carbon
monoxide, usually before
healthy adult would experience
This early warning is possible, however, only if your Nighthawk
CO alarm is located, installed and maintained as described in this
user’s guide.
Test/Reset Button
This button has three functions. First, this is the button you press
when you test the unit monthly (see page 1-5 for further details).
Secondly, you press this button if the unit alarms and you want to
silence the alarm. This will reset the unit and it will then again start
monitoring for CO, if CO concentration is above 70 ppm the alarm
will again sound within 6 minutes. It’s also used when resetting the
peak level memory. (See page 1-7).
This CO alarm is designed to act as a continuous monitor, it is
not designed for use as a short-term testing device to perform a
quick check for the presence of CO.
CO alarms have limitations. Like any other electronic device, CO
alarms are not fool-proof.
CO alarms have a limited operational life. You must test your CO
alarm monthly, because it could fail to operate at any time. If
your CO alarm fails to test properly, or if its self-diagnostic test
reveals a malfunction, immediately have the unit replaced. See
back page for warranty information.
Peak Level Button
By pressing this button, you can see the peak CO level recorded
by the alarm since it was last cleared or unplugged. This
Nighthawk feature allows you (or heating contractor or fireman) to
see exactly how big a CO problem you have so you can react
accordingly. (More on the peak level memory feature on page 1-7).
CO alarms will not work without power. This CO alarm requires
a continuous supply of electric power.
The sensor is a highly sensitive, electrochemical sensor that is CO-
specific to help avoid false alarms. Turn to page 1-7 for more
information on how to care for and protect the alarm.
CO alarms can only sense CO that reaches the unit’s sensor.
Carbon monoxide may be present in other areas without reach-
ing the alarm. The rate at which CO reaches the unit may be
affected by doors or other obstructions. In addition, fresh air
from a vent or open window or any other source may prevent
CO from reaching the sensor. Please observe cautions on page
1-3 “Where to install your alarm.”
Sounder Alarm
This is the loud 85 decibel pulsing alarm that will sound to alert you
to a potential problem. Alarm condition is 4 quick beeps – followed
by 5 seconds of silence – followed by 4 quick beeps. Repeat.
Caution: Continuous exposure to this sound level at close range
over an extended period of time may cause hearing loss. We rec-
ommend you cover the sounder with your finger while testing.
More on testing on page 1-5,6.
CO could be present on one level of the home and not reach a
CO alarm installed on a different level. For example, CO in the
basement may not reach an alarm on the second level, near the
bedrooms. For this reason, we recommend you provide com-
plete coverage by placing a CO alarm on every level of the home.
When the alarm is mounted to the wall, these keyholes slide onto
the screws in the wall. (See “How to install your alarm on page 1-4).
CO alarms are not smoke alarms. CO alarms do not sense smoke
or fire. For early warning of fire you must install smoke alarms,
even though carbon monoxide can be generated by a fire.
Pull-Out Transformer/Adapter
This unique Nighthawk feature enables the alarm to be used as a
direct plug unit, a wall mounted unit or a table top unit. More on
how this unique feature is used for different application, page 1-4.
CO alarms should not be used to detect the presence of natural
gas (methane), propane, butane, or other combustible fuels.
CO alarms are not a substitute for property, disability, life or other
insurance of any kind. Appropriate insurance coverage is your
responsibility. Consult your insurance agent.
9V Backup Battery
This CO alarm is not battery operated. The 9V battery is to supply
a short-term backup during a power outage. In the event of a
power outage, the 9V battery will continue operating the alarm for
at least 20 hours.
P a r t On e – Yo u r Nig h t h a w k CO Ala r m
Do not install in excessively dusty, dirty or greasy areas such as
kitchens, garages and furnace rooms. Dust grease or household
chemicals can contaminate or coat the alarm’s sensor, causing the
alarm not to operate properly.
W h e re t o In s t a ll Yo u r CO Ala r m
Your Nighthawk CO alarm should be mounted in or near bed-
rooms and living areas. It is recommended that you install a
Nighthawk CO alarm on each level of a multi-level home. You
may use the number and location of smoke alarms installed in
your home according to current building code requirements as a
guide to the location of your Nighthawk CO alarm(s).
Do not obstruct the vents located at the top and bottom of the
alarm. Place the alarm where drapes, furniture or other objects do
not block the flow of air to the vents.
Do not install in dead air space, such as peaks of vaulted ceilings
or gabled roofs, where carbon monoxide may not reach the sen-
sor in time to provide early warning.
Do not install in turbulent air from ceiling fans. Do not install near
doors and windows that open to the outside, near fresh air vents,
or anywhere that is drafty. Rapid air circulation from fans or fresh
air from outside may cause the sensor to display an inaccurate
reading in the presence of CO.
Two self-adhesive labels are included with the CO alarm. Add
the phone number of your emergency service provider in the
space provided. Place one label next to the alarm and one label
near a fresh air source such as a door or window
Do not install this alarm in a switch- or dimmer-controlled outlet.
CAUTION: This alarm will only indicate the presence of carbon
monoxide at the sensor. Carbon monoxide may be present in
other areas.
Do not install in areas where the temperature is colder than 40˚F
(4.4˚C) or hotter than 100˚F (37.8˚C). These areas include uncondi-
tioned crawl spaces, attics, porches and garages. Extreme tempera-
tures will affect the sensitivity of the alarm.
IMPORTANT: Improper location can affect the sensitive elec-
tronic components in this alarm. Please see the next section
describing where NOT to install this alarm.
Do not install CO alarm near deep cell large batteries. Large bat-
teries have emissions that can cause the alarm to perform at less
than optimum performance.
W h e re No t t o In s t a ll Yo u r CO Ala r m
Avoid the following:
To avoid causing damage to the unit, to provide optimum pro-
tection, and to prevent unnecessary alarms, follow the direc-
tions below where NOT to install this alarm:
Excessive spillage or reverse venting of fuel burning
appliances caused by outdoor ambient conditions, such as:
1) Wind direction and/or velocity, including high gusts
of wind. Heavy air in the vent pipes (cold/humid air with
extended periods between cycles). 2) Negative pressure
differential resulting from the use of exhaust fans.
3) Simultaneous operation of several fuel burning appliances
competing for limited internal air. 4) Vent pipe connections
vibrating loose from clothes dryers, furnaces or water heaters.
5) Obstructions in or unconventional vent pipe designs which
can amplify the above situations.
It is not recommended that you install this CO alarm in garages,
kitchens or furnace rooms. Installation in these areas could lead to
nuisance alarms, may expose the sensor to substances that could
damage or contaminate it, or the alarm may not be heard by
persons in other areas of the home, especially if they are sleeping.
In the garage, vehicle exhaust can contain some carbon monox-
ide. These levels are higher when the engine is first started. Within
hours of starting a vehicle and backing it out of the garage, the lev-
els present over time can activate the alarm and become a nuisance.
Extended operation of unvented fuel burning devices (range,
oven, fireplace, etc.).
Temperature inversions which can trap exhaust gasses near
the ground.
Car idling in an open or closed attached garage, or near
a home.
In the kitchen and furnace room, some gas appliances can emit a
short burst of carbon monoxide upon start-up. This is normal. If
your CO alarm is mounted too close to these appliances, it may
alarm often and become a nuisance.
If you must install a Nighthawk CO alarm near a cooking or heat-
ing appliance, install AT LEAST 15 feet away from appliance.
P a r t On e – Yo u r Nig h t h a w k CO Ala r m
How to Insta ll Your Ala rm
Wall Mounted Alarm
Your Nighthawk CO alarm with its removable adapter allows you
to install the alarm as a wall mounted unit, a direct plug unit, or
as a table top unit.
First, refer to “Where to Install Your CO
Alarm” on page 1-3 for general guidelines
as to where to locate your CO alarm.
Installation tips for power cord models:
The power cord option provides more
flexibility in mounting locations and
allows the alarm to be easily installed at
eye level.
To install the battery, open the back door and snap battery
connector onto battery. You will hear the alarm sound briefly to
indicate the unit is receiving power. Place battery into battery
compartment and replace back door
Note: If you mount the alarm high on a
wall, make sure it is at least 6" from the
ceiling. Any higher than this, it will be in
“dead air space” and carbon monoxide
may not reach the sensor.
Direct Plug Alarm
First, refer to “Where to Install Your CO
Alarm” on page 1-3 for general guidelines as
to where to locate your CO alarm.
In its “as shipped” configuration, your
Nighthawk CO alarm is ready to be plugged
directly into a wall socket.
Below is
list of suggested mounting
Back of unit w hen used
as a w all m ount
locations if you wish to conceal the
power cord:
Above a tall bureau, chest of drawers or bookcase
Above a doorway or closet, securing the cord to the
side of the molding
To install:
1. Choose
alarm into.
standard 120V outlet to plug
Back of unit w hen
used as direct plug
Note: Do not cover the alarm with a curtain.
2. Pull slide support out approximately .25” until slide snaps in
place (this will help support unit in wall outlet).
3. Simply plug in.
For a wall-mount, you will need to pull out the removable
adapter and power cord. This simple process as outlined below.
To install:
If outlet is m ounted horizontally (sidew ays):
If you are going to use your alarm as a direct plug and you are
going to plug in to an outlet that is mounted horizontally (side-
ways), you will need to rotate the adapter 90˚. This simple process
is outlined below.
To rotate adapter:
1. With back of unit facing you (with adapter
at top), place your thumbs on thumb grips.
2. With your thumbs, push down in the
direction of the arrows on the thumb grips
and slide back door off.
3. Next, place your thumbs on the adapter
thumb releases.
1. Follow steps
2. With adapter out, pull out power cord and unwrap it.
3. With cord extended, press last few inches into cord recess.
Gently pull cord at bottom of cord recess until cord becomes
taught and lays flat in cord recess.
4. Carefully replace back door by making sure
“latches” on all four corners of door are lined up,
then firmly press into place.
5. Insert the screws provided until head is approx.
1/8” from wall (If mounting in plaster board or dry-
wall, drill 3/16 hole and use plastic anchor provid-
ed). Use mounting guide template in back of user’s
guide to locate holes.
6. Hook the Nighthawk CO alarm unit over the screw onto key-
hole in back of unit.
in the previous column under “To Rotate
4. Spread adapter thumb releases out and
carefully turn alarm over. This will allow
adapter to slide out.
5. Rotate the adapter 90˚ to the right
(clockwise), and snap firmly back into place.
Back of unit w hen
used as direct plug
for sidew ays outlet
7. Plug cord into electrical outlet.
6. Carefully replace back door by making sure “latches” on all
four corners of door are lined up, then firmly press into place.
7. Now simply plug in to outlet.
Table Top Alarm
You can also use your Nighthawk CO alarm as a table top unit.
Simply follow the above steps for removing adapter, then instead of
mounting to a wall, simply pull out slide support and stand on table,
bedside stand, chest of drawers, etc. (refer to diagram on page 1-1).
P a r t On e – Yo u r Nig h t h a w k CO Ala r m
No r m a l Op e r a t in g Ch a r a ct e r is t ics
Constant exposures to high or low humidity
may reduce battery life.
When you first pow er up the unit, the alarm will sound
briefly to let you know the unit is receiving power and that the
alarm circuit is functioning.
We recommend you replace your 9V battery
at least every six months.
You should see three eights
on the digital display, indicat-
ing the alarm is in the start-up mode. The three eights will remain
for approximately 20 seconds. You should
see a blinking red dot to the lower right of
the digital display. The blinking dot shows
that the alarm is operating.
How to Test Your Ala rm
There are two aspects of the alarm’s operation that can be test-
ed: the electronics and the sensor response. Instructions on test-
ing each are outlined below and on the next page.
Blinking Dot
Within 20 seconds, your CO alarm will start
monitoring for CO. The number indicates a measurement of car-
bon monoxide in parts per million (ppm). Note: The number will
probably be zero (0). This is a normal condition for most house-
holds and shows that no measurable amount of CO has been
Testing the Electronics
You should test the alarm once a month, following the direc-
tions listed below. If at any time you test the alarm and it does
not perform as described below, have it replaced immediately.
Turn to page 1-6 “How to know if your alarm is malfunctioning”
for a description of the characteristics of a malfunctioning alarm
and what you should do if a malfunction occurs.
The alarm has begun monitoring the air for carbon monoxide and
will continue to do so as long as it receives power.
Observe the alarm weekly to make sure the red
dot is blinking, indicating normal operation.
When the alarm is unplugged or loses pow er and you
have a good 9V battery installed, the alarm will automati-
cally switch to its battery backup mode and you will notice the
If the dot is not blinking, unplug the alarm
for three minutes, then plug in again. This
will clear the alarm for restart. If the dot does
not resume blinking, your alarm may be malfunctioning.
Blinking Dot
The digital display will show a blinking dot only – this helps
conserve the battery’s power.
The digital display will show a number only if it senses
carbon monoxide while in backup mode.
If CO is detected while on battery backup, alarm pattern
is 4 quick beeps – followed by 5 seconds of silence –
followed by 4 quick beeps. After 4 minutes, alarm pattern
is 4 quick beeps every 60 seconds.
To test the alarm, press the Test/Reset button. If the unit is
operating properly, you should notice the following:
The display shows three eights
, and then shows
a number (usually around 200). You should then hear
4 quick beeps – followed by 5 seconds of silence –
followed by 4 quick beeps. The unit will then show the
three eights for several seconds. It will then return to
monitoring for carbon monoxide.
Note: The alarm will operate on battery backup for at least 20 hours
When AC power is restored, the alarm will automatically switch
back to normal operating mode.
When the alarm is unplugged or loses pow er and you
have a low battery installed, you will notice the following:
Familiarize yourself and household members with the alarm pat-
tern described above. In the event of a CO incident, this pattern
will continue to repeat as long as CO is present.
A fading alarm will sound alerting you the unit has
switched to its backup mode, but the 9V battery is low.
A blinking dot will be displayed and the sounder will chirp
every 15 seconds.
When peak level is pushed, the display will alternate
between “Lb.” and CO reading.
When battery is depleted:
A blinking dot will be displayed and the sounder will chirp
approximately every 30 seconds.
Pressing the test button will result in a chirp approximately
every one second. The alarm will not detect CO if battery
is depleted. Replace battery.
P a r t On e – Yo u r Nig h t h a w k CO Ala r m
How to Test Your Ala rm (continued )
Ho w t o Kn o w If Yo u r Ala r m is M a lfu n ct io n in g
Your alarm performs an internal self-diagnosis every 15 seconds to
make sure that it is functioning properly. The alarm is designed to
alert you in the unusual event of a malfunction.
NOTE: Pressing the Test/Reset button tests the functions of the
alarm’s internal components, circuitry and micro-computer. YOU
READING. CO readings are automatically shown on the alarm’s
digital display. If the alarm shows zero (0), then no measurable
amount of CO has been sensed by the alarm within the past 15
If the alarm m alfunctions.
In the rare event that your alarm malfunctions, it will alert you with
one of these signal groups (depending upon the type of
malfunction that occurs):
Testing the sensor resp onse
Malfunction Signal Group 1 - Com ponent Failure
While it is not required, on occasion you may wish to observe
and become familiar with your alarm’s response in the actual
presence of carbon monoxide. The best and safest way to do this
is with either a cigarette or an incense stick. To perform this test
you will need: your alarm, matches or a butane lighter, an ash-
tray, and either a cigarette or an incense stick.
An intermittent “chirping” alarm will sound every 20 secs., and
An “Err” message will appear on the digital display
Malfunction Signal Group 2 - Microprocessor Failure
The alarm will sound continuously, and
The digital display will be blank, and
The alarm cannot be shut off by pushing “Test/Reset” button
CAUTION: Please refer to the “Frequently Asked Questions”
section for warnings on how NOT to test the sensor response.
Unplug the alarm immediately and return for warranty exchange
(see “Warranty” on back page).
WARNING: This test should be done by adults only. Children
should be warned never to light matches or butane lighters.
Please use caution when performing the test described below.
Avoid burns from flame or hot materials. Avoid inhaling exces-
sive smoke from the cigarette or incense stick. Extinguish all
flames and properly discard all hot materials.
Lo w Ba t t e r y Wa r n in g
If the 9V battery is missing, or if the battery’s power is low, an “Lb”
message will display which blink’s alternately with the current CO
reading every second. If this happens, you need to replace the bat-
tery. Refer to page 1-5 for more on low battery warnings.
Step 1. With a match or a lighter, light a single cigarette or
incense stick. Extinguish the match or lighter. Make sure an
ashtray is available to discard ashes, matches and the burned
cigarette or incense stick.
What to do if you’re not sure...
PLEASE familiarize yourself with the malfunction alert, and do not
confuse these signals with an alarm. After reading the information
above, if you are still unsure whether your alarm is operating prop-
erly, call the KIDDE Safety toll-free consumer hotline at 800-880-
6788 to do a quick diagnostic check of the alarm over the phone.
The customer service representative will be able to assist you and
answer your questions.
Step 2. Hold the smoldering cigarette or incense stick 12 - 15
inches directly below the bottom air vents of the CO alarm, mak-
ing sure the stream of smoke rises into the vents.
Step 3. Continue holding the cigarette or incense stick directly
below the alarm for 3 - 5 minutes. Note: Do not hold the ciga-
rette or incense stick closer than 12 inches to the alarm as smoke
will cause a yellow stain to develop on the alarm’s outer case.
If your alarm sounder is beeping, and you are not sure if it is a CO
alarm or a malfunction alert, reset the alarm, open windows for
ventilation, turn off fuel-burning appliances (like kerosene or oil
heaters, furnaces, gas ranges, wood-burning stoves, water heaters,
or other fossil-fuel burning appliances). For furnaces, you can sim-
ply turn down the thermostat to its lowest setting. Open windows
and doors for ventilation. Then call the KIDDE Safety toll-free con-
sumer hotline at 800-880-6788 for assistance.
Step 4. If your unit alarms, you can silence it by pressing
Test/Reset button and removing the source of CO.
Step 5. Extinguish the cigarette or incense stick by pressing the
smoldering tip into the ashtray.
Remember, if you call a qualified technician (such as a licensed
heating contractor, utility service technician, chimney sweep or fuel
provider) to check your residence for CO, you will most likely be
charged for a service call. KIDDE Safety customer service opera-
tors are available to answer your questions and assist you in non-
emergency situations at no charge.
P a r t On e – Yo u r Nig h t h a w k CO Ala r m
Ho w t o Kn o w If Yo u r Ala r m is M a lfu n ct io n in g
(co n t in u e d )
The P ea k Level Mem ory Button
Although the peak level feature will display levels below 30 PPM, these lev-
els will not result in an alarm no matter how long the device is exposed to
these levels.
The peak level feature is helpful in indentifying low level CO occurrences
below 30 PPM. Although the unit will not automatically display levels below
30 PPM, it will detect and store these readings in memory. By pressing the
peak level button, concentration levels as low as 11 and up to 999 PPM will
be displayed.
Concentrations of CO between 0 and 30 PPM can often occur in normal,
everyday conditions. Concentrations of CO below 30 PPM may be an indi-
cation of a transient condition that may appear today and never reappear.
Just a few examples of conditions and/or sources that may cause low level
Never ignore a CO alarm. A true alarm is an indication of poten-
tially dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. CO alarms are
designed to alert you to the presence of carbon monoxide before
an emergency, before most people would experience symptoms
of carbon monoxide poisoning, giving you time to resolve the
problem calmly.
Ho w t o Ca re fo r Yo u r Ala r m
To keep your alarm in good working order, you must follow
these simple steps:
readings are heavy automobile traffic,
running vehicle in an attached
Test the alarm once a month by pressing the Test/Reset
garage, an appliance that emits CO when starting up, a fire in a fireplace or
charcoal in a nearby barbecue. A temperature inversion can trap CO gen-
erated by traffic and other fuel burning appliances causing low level read-
ings of CO.
Normally, the digital display will read “0” and under certain conditions you
may notice levels of 30 or more for short periods of time, by using the Peak
level memory feature on the Nighthawk CO alarm you can view concentra-
tions of CO between 11 and 30 PPM. Use the low-level concentrations
shown in memory as a tool in identifying the source of the CO. It may be
helpful to purchase additional Nighthawk CO Alarms to place in different
locations throughout your house to isolate the CO source. Monitor the CO
concentrations shown in the peak level memory to see if readings occur in
certain areas at certain times of the day, or near a particular appliance.
button (see page 1-5,6).
Vacuum the alarm cover once a month to remove
accumulated dust. Use the soft brush attachment of your
vacuum cleaner, and unplug the alarm from the electrical
outlet before vacuuming.
Instruct children never to touch, unplug or otherwise interfere
with the alarm. Warn children of the dangers of CO poisoning.
Never use detergents or solvents to clean the alarm.
Chemicals can permanently damage or temporarily
contaminate the sensor.
Avoid spraying air fresheners, hair spray, paint or other
aerosols near the alarm.
Do not paint the alarm. Paint will seal the vents and
interfere with proper sensor operation.
Do not mount the alarm directly above or near a diaper pail,
as high amounts of methane gas can cause temporary readings
on the digital display.
Once the source is located, correcting the problem may be as easy as open-
ing a window, venting an appliance, backing a car out of the garage a safe
distance from living quarters, closing the garage door, and letting the car
warm up outside. It could be possible that a weather condition caused the
low-level reading and the condition may or may not happen again.
Some CO conditions may start out as low level leaks but could develop into
CO concentrations that could become harmful. If this happens, the CO alarm
will detect the dangerous level and alarm, notifying you and others of the
conditions. DO NOT ignore high concentration readings above 30 PPM or
a CO alarming device that is in alarm. Refer to page 4-1 for more details.
CO concentrations displayed below 30 PPM in memory are for reference
only and the accuracy of the concentration shown may not be as accurate as
noted on page 5-1.
Note: If you will be staining or stripping wood floors or furniture,
painting, wall-papering, or using aerosols or adhesives for a do-it-
yourself project or hobby, before you begin: Remove the alarm
to a remote location to prevent possible damage to or conta-
mination of the sensor. You may wish to unplug the alarm and
store in a plastic bag during the project.
The following is a list of substances that at high levels can affect
the sensor and cause temporary readings on the digital display that
are not carbon monoxide readings:
Methane, propane, iso-butane, ethylene, ethanol, alcohol,
iso-propanol, benzene, toluene, ethyl acetate, hydrogen,
hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxides.
To Reset the P ea k Level Mem ory…
Step 1. Press the peak level button.
Step 2. With the peak level button still pressed, press the test/reset but-
ton for two seconds and release.
The number on the display will turn to “0”. The memory has now been
cleared and the alarm will begin monitoring for CO within a few minutes.
Also most aerosol sprays, alcohol based products, paints,
thinners, solvents, adhesives, hair sprays, aftershaves, per-
fumes, auto exhaust (cold start) and some cleaning agents.
P a r t Tw o – Ca r b o n M o n o x id e -Th e Sile n t Kille r
A by-product of combustion, carbon monoxide can be a poten-
W h a t is Ca r b o n M o n o x id e ?
tial problem from a number of common sources – automobiles,
furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces, wood stoves, charcoal grills,
gas ranges, space heaters and portable generators.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless, poisonous gas
created when any fuel is burned – gasoline, propane, natural gas,
oil, wood, coal, and even tobacco. When combustion air is lim-
ited, more CO is produced. Serious problems can develop when
combustion by-products are not properly vented outside the
When these appliances are in good working condition with
proper ventilation, lethal carbon monoxide gas is vented out-
doors where it quickly disperses. But even the slightest malfunc-
tion or misuse of any of these sources can lead to a build-up of
carbon monoxide in your home that can become deadly before
you’d even know it’s there.
You’ve probably heard about carbon monoxide poisoning in the
news recently. It’s a problem receiving more attention because
groups like the American Lung Association and the Consumer
Product Safety Commission have made it a priority to warn the
public about the dangers of this deadly household poison.
And you don’t have to have ancient appliances to have a prob-
lem. Today’s more energy-efficient, airtight home designs can
trap CO-polluted air inside where it can quickly build to lethal
W h a t a re t h e Effe ct s o f CO Ex p o s u re ?
When you breathe carbon monoxide, it enters your bloodstream
through your lungs and attaches to red blood cells. These red
blood cells, called hemoglobin, carry oxygen throughout your
body. Carbon monoxide molecules attach to the red blood cells
200 times faster than oxygen, preventing the flow of oxygen to
your heart, brain and vital organs. As carbon monoxide accumu-
lates in your bloodstream, your body becomes starved for oxy-
gen. The amount of carbon monoxide in a person’s body can be
measured by a simple blood test, called a “carboxyhemoglobin
level” test .
W h a t Ca n Yo u d o t o P ro t e ct Yo u r Fa m ily?
To be safe, know the possible sources of CO in your home. Keep
fuel-burning appliances and their chimneys and vents in good
working condition. Learn the early symptoms of exposure, and if
you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, move outside to fresh
air and get emergency help. A blood test can confirm that CO
caused the problem.
Your first line of defense is an annual inspection and regular
maintenance of your appliances. Contact a licensed contractor or
call your local utility company for assistance.
The early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are often
mistaken for the flu – headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea,
vomiting, sleepiness, and confusion.
But remember, problems can begin after an inspection is over,
like a crack in a furnace heat exchanger, or a leak in a water
heater vent or a bird’s nest blocking a flue. Other sources are
nearly impossible to detect: even a change in the air pressure
outside can turn a normally safe situation deadly. That’s why you
need the 24-hour protection provided by a CO alarm.
Breathing very high concentrations of carbon monoxide can be
lethal in minutes. Breathing low concentrations over time is dan-
gerous, too. Long term exposure to low levels could cause per-
manent heart and brain damage.
Co u ld Yo u r Fa m ily b e a t Ris k fo r CO P o is o n in g ?
Carbon monoxide is the number one cause of poisoning deaths
in the United States. According to the Mayo Clinic, at least 10,000
Americans are affected by CO poisoning each year.
While anyone is susceptible, experts agree that unborn babies,
small children, senior citizens and people with heart or respira-
tory problems are especially vulnerable to CO and are at the
greatest risk for death or serious injury.
W h e re Do e s CO Co m e Fro m ?
Inside your home, appliances used for heating and cooking are
the most likely sources of carbon monoxide. Vehicles running in
attached garages can also produce dangerous levels of carbon
P a r t Tw o – Ca r b o n M o n o x id e -Th e Sile n t Kille r
Ho m e Sa fe t y Tip s
W h a t Yo u Ca n Do ...
W h a t Yo u Sh o u ld No t Do ...
Never burn charcoal inside a home, garage, cabin, RV or
Buy only appliances approved by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory.
Never install, service, or convert fuel-burning
appliances from one type to another without proper
knowledge, skills and tools.
Choose fuel-burning appliances that can be vented to
the outdoors, whenever possible.
Never use a gas range, oven, or clothes dryer for heating.
Make sure appliances are installed according to
manufacturer’s instructions and local building codes.
Most appliances should be installed by professionals and
should be inspected by the proper authority after
Never operate unvented gas-burning appliances, such as
kerosene or natural gas space heaters, in a closed room.
Never operate gasoline-powered engines (like vehicles,
motorcycles, lawn mowers, yard equipment or power tools)
in confined areas such as garages or basements, even if an
outside door or window is open.
Have the heating system, vents, chimney and flue
inspected and cleaned by a qualified technician every year.
Follow manufacturer’s directions for safe operation of all
fuel-burning appliances.
Never ignore a safety device when it shuts off an appliance.
Never ignore a CO alarm.
Examine vents and chimneys regularly for improper
connections, visible rust or stains.
Be Aw a re o f t h e Wa r n in g Sig n s o f Ca r b o n
M o n o x id e : Clu e s Yo u Ca n Se e ...
Open a window when a fireplace or wood-burning stove
is in use, and provide adequate outdoor air for furnace
and water heater.
Streaks of carbon or soot around the service door of your
fuel-burning appliances.
A yellow or orange flame may indicate a problem with
natural gas appliances.
Notice problems that could indicate improper appliance
– Decreasing hot water supply
Excessive rusting on flue pipes or appliance jackets.
Loose or missing furnace panel.
– Furnace unable to heat house or runs constantly
– Sooting, especially on appliances
– Unfamiliar or burning odor
Moisture collecting on the windows and walls of furnace
– Yellow or orange flame
Be aware of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning:
– headaches, dizziness, weakness, sleepiness, nausea,
vomiting, confusion and disorientation.
Loose or disconnected vent/chimney, fireplace or appliance.
Small amounts of water leaking from the base of the
chimney, vent or flue pipe.
Recognize that CO poisoning may be the cause when
family members suffer from flu-like symptoms that don’t
disappear but improve when they leave home for
extended periods of time.
Rust on the portion of the vent pipe visible from outside
your home.
The absence of a draft in your chimney (indicating
Install a UL 2034 Listed CO alarm for added safety.
– The Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends
that every residence with fuel-burning appliances be
equipped with a UL Listed CO alarm.
Fallen soot from the fireplace chimney.
Loose, damaged or discolored bricks on your chimney.
Clu e s Yo u Ca n n o t Se e ...
Internal appliance damage or malfunctioning components
Improper burner adjustment
Hidden blockage or damage in chimneys
P a r t Th re e – W h a t Yo u Sh o u ld Kn o w Be fo re t h e Ala r m So u n d s
You should take extra precautions to protect high risk persons
from CO exposure because they may experience ill effects from car-
bon monoxide at levels that would not ordinarily affect a healthy adult.
Are there any infants or small children in the home? Be sure to check
them for signs of possible CO poisoning because they might have
trouble explaining their symptoms. Infants and children are more
susceptible to CO poisoning than a healthy adult.
Le a r n t h e d iffe re n ce b e t w e e n d a n g e ro u s le ve ls ,
h ig h le ve ls , m id le ve ls a n d lo w le ve ls :
Dangerous levels, when someone is experiencing symptoms
of CO poisoning and CO readings are generally above 100
ppm. Anytime someone is experiencing the symptoms of carbon
monoxide poisoning this should be treated as an EMERGENCY.
Follow the instructions on page 4-1.
Pregnant women should be aware that their unborn fetus could be
harmed by exposure to carbon monoxide, even when the mother
suffers no ill effect herself. Any pregnant woman who suspects she
may have been exposed to carbon monoxide should immediately
contact her physician.
High levels, generally above 100 ppm, with no one experi-
encing symptoms. This should be treated as an URGENT situation.
Follow the instructions on page 4-1.
Mid levels, generally between 50 ppm to 100 ppm. This should
be cause for CONCERN and should not be ignored or dismissed.
Follow the instructions on page 4-1.
Is there anyone in the household who is elderly, or who has anemia,
heart disease or respiratory problems, emphysema or chronic bron-
chitis? These individuals are at higher risk for CO poisoning and for
health problems from exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide.
Low levels, generally below 50 ppm. This indicates a need to
watch the situation closely to see if it resolves itself or worsens.
Follow the instructions on page 4-2.
If anyone in the household is at high risk for CO poisoning, we urge
you to take extra precaution to prevent possible poisoning. If the
unit alarms or if CO readings are shown on the digital display,
remove the at-risk person from the premises, if possible. Ventilate the
area. The high-risk person(s) should not re-enter the residence until
the source of the CO problem has been identified and corrected.
De t e r m in e if a n yo n e in t h e h o u s e h o ld is a t h ig h r is k
fo r CO p o is o n in g :
Many cases of reported carbon monoxide poisoning indicate that
while victims are aware they are not well, they become so disorient-
ed they are unable to save themselves by either exiting the building
or calling for assistance.
Un d e r s t a n d t h e Effe ct s o f Ca r b o n M o n o x id e Ex p o s u re :
Co n ce n t ra t io n
o f CO in Air
(p p m = p a rt s p e r m illio n )
Low Levels:
Generally 50 ppm and
Ap p ro xim a t e In h a la t io n Tim e a n d Sym p t o m s De ve lo p e d
The maximum allowable concentration for continuous exposure for healthy adults
in any 8-hour period, according to OSHA*.
50 ppm
Mid Levels:
Generally 50 ppm to
100 ppm.
Slight headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea after 2-3 hours.
200 ppm
400 ppm
800 ppm
Frontal headaches within 1-2 hours, life threatening after 3 hours.
High Levels:
Dizziness, nausea and convulsions within 45 minutes. Unconsciousness within
2 hours. Death within 2-3 hours.
Generally 100 ppm and
above if no one is
experiencing symptoms.
1,600 ppm
3,200 ppm
6,400 ppm
12,800 ppm
Headache, dizziness and nausea within 20 minutes. Death within 1 hour.
Headache, dizziness and nausea within 5-10 minutes. Death within 25-30 minutes.
Headache, dizziness and nausea within 1-2 minutes. Death within 10-15 minutes.
Dangerous Levels:
Generally 100 ppm and
above if someone is
* Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Death within 1-3 minutes.
experiencing symptoms.
Reminder: This chart relates to the exposure of healthy adults. Read the info above for descriptions of those who are
at higher risk.
P a r t Fo u r – W h a t t o Do W h e n t h e Ala r m So u n d s
Determine if anyone in the household is experiencing symptoms of CO poisoning. Many cases of reported CO poisoning indicate that
while victims are aware they are not well, they become so disoriented they are unable to save themselves by either exiting the build-
ing or calling for assistance. Also young children and household pets may be the first affected. The following symptoms are related
to CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING and should be discussed with ALL members of the household:
Co m m o n M ild Ex p o s u re Sym p t o m s :
Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (“flu-like” symptoms).
familiar with
these common
from CO
Co m m o n M e d iu m Ex p o s u re Sym p t o m s :
Throbbing headache, drowsiness, confusion, fast heart rate.
Co m m o n Ex t re m e Ex p o s u re Sym p t o m s :
Convulsions, unconsciousness, heart and lung failure. It can cause brain damage and death.
If you experience even mild symptoms of CO poisoning, consult your doctor immediately!
Actuation of your CO Alarm indicates the presence
L of Carbon Monoxide (CO) which can KILL YOU.
When the CO alarm senses a dangerous level of CO, the unit will emit a loud alarm pattern. The alarm pattern is 4 short beeps
– followed by 5 seconds of silence – followed by 4 short beeps. (Note: When the unit is disconnected from the 120V power supply
and is on battery backup, the alarm pattern will continue for the first 4 minutes after detecting CO and then the cycle will repeat
every one minute). Know how to respond to a CO emergency. Periodically review this user’s guide and discuss with all members
of your family.
If the alarm sounds:
1) Operate test/reset button;
2) Call your emergency services
( fire dept. or 911);
3) Immediately move to fresh air - outdoors or by an open
door/w indow. Do a head count to check that all persons are accounted for. Do not reenter the premises nor
move aw ay from the open door/w indow until the emergency services responders have arrived, the premises
have been aired out, and your CO alarm remains in its normal condition.
4) After follow ing steps 1-3, if your alarm reactivates w ithin a 24 hour period, repeat steps 1-3 and call a quali-
fied technician to investigate for sources of CO from fuel burning equipment and appliances, and inspect for
proper operation of this equipment. If
problems are identified during this inspection
have the equipment serviced immediately.
Note any combustion equipment not inspected by the technician and consult the manufacturer’s instructions,
or contact the manufacturer’s directly, for more information about CO safety and this equipment. Make sure
that motor vehicles are not, and have not been, operating in an attached garage or adjacent to the residence.
P a r t Fo u r – W h a t t o Do W h e n t h e Ala r m So u n d s
Un it w ill n o t a la r m w h e n P e a k Le ve l Bu t t o n is P re s s e d
Ca llin g
t h e P ro b le m
Qu a lifie d Te ch n icia n t o Fin d a n d Re p a ir
If you call a qualified service technician (such as a licensed heat-
ing contractor, utility service technician, chimney sweep or fuel
provider) to inspect your home for possible sources of CO, tell
the technician what the digital readings were and have them
press the peak level memory button. This way they can see how
big a problem they are dealing with. Do not restart these appli-
ances until the problem is corrected. Request service for as soon
as possible, like TODAY.
Unit reads below 50 ppm of carbon monoxide.
Remember to determine if anyone is at high risk for CO poisoning.
If so, you should use precaution not to expose the at-risk person to
low levels for more than eight hours.
If no one is experiencing symptoms of CO poisoning, press the reset
button on the alarm. Under normal operation, the alarm will not dis-
play CO concentrations detected between 1 and 29 ppm. By pressing
the peak level button, you can see if any concentration from 11 to 999
has been detected including low levels of 11 to 29 ppm.
Please be aware that some service technicians may charge a fee
to inspect your home, even if the source of CO is not found. You
may wish to find out if you will be charged for the service and
the amount of the fee before you request service. Some public
utilities do not charge for inspection. Some service technicians
do not charge if you purchased your appliance from them. To
know for sure, you need to ask before the technician comes to
your home. Repair work or replacement of appliances may be
necessary to fix the problem that is creating the CO in your
home. Remember, a CO alarm can only warn you of the pres-
ence of CO, it does not prevent CO from occurring, nor can it
solve an existing CO problem.
Then, consider whether the following could be sources of the low
CO levels:
Cigarette smoke? Gas oven or range? Attached garage?
Fuel-burning appliances?
Has anyone used chemicals that could affect the sensor?
(See page 1-7 or a list of chemicals that can have a temporary
or permanent affect on the sensor.)
Has there been a temperature inversion in the area?
Do you live in an area with air pollution or heavy traffic?
Test the alarm to verify that it is working properly, following the
instructions on page 1-5, 6.
Because you’ve provided ventilation by leaving your windows
and doors open, the CO buildup may have dissipated by the time
help responds. Although your problem may appear to be tem-
porarily solved, it’s crucial that the source of the CO is deter-
mined and appropriate repairs are made.
If the alarm appears to be functioning properly, ventilate your home
and turn fuel-burning appliances to the “off” position until the digital
display returns to “0.” Then, turn appliances back on and take note
of any further readings at one hour intervals. Note if the turning on of
appliances has caused any change in CO alarm readings.
So m e t im e s it ’s Difficu lt t o Fin d t h e So u rce o f
CO in
Ho m e
Sometimes conditions may develop that are not caused by malfunc-
tioning appliances or structural problems that need to be repaired.
These conditions can create a temporary build-up of low CO levels
that will dissipate and may not return. (For example: weather condi-
tions or backdrafts caused by differences in air pressure between the
inside and outside of the home). This is why we suggest you venti-
late the home and then monitor to see if any CO levels reappear.
It can be difficult for responders to locate the source(s) of CO if:
The house was ventilated before they arrived and the fresh
air caused the CO to dissipate. The peak level function on
your Nighthawk CO alarm helps the responders know
how severe the problem was before they arrived.
The CO problem was caused by a source that fluctuates on
and off, sometimes creating CO and sometimes not. Such a
situation makes it nearly impossible to pinpoint the source
of CO in a short period of time.
Tr e a t m e n t fo r CO P o is o n in g
Any person who is suspected to have carbon monoxide poisoning
should leave the potentially dangerous environment, get fresh air
immediately and seek care from a physician. CO poisoning can be
determined by a simple blood test, called a “carboxyhemoglobin” test.
This test measures the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood-
stream. For this test to be accurate, it must be done immediately after
CO exposure. Acute CO poisoning is usually treated by breathing in
oxygen. When CO poisoning is severe, (for example, when there is
an altered state of consciousness), high pressure oxygen therapy in
a special “hyperbaric chamber” may be used. A physician will make
The cause of CO problem was backdrafting – when air in
a chimney or flue is sucked into the home instead of
venting outside. The exact situation that created a negative
air pressure inside the home (the cause of backdrafting) is
difficult to recreate during an investigation for CO.
Sometimes the CO problem disappears when a door or
window is opened. Backdrafting may or may not
happen again.
this determination and administer treatment if necessary.
P a r t Five – Te ch n ica l In fo r m a t io n
P ro d u ct Sp e cifica t io n s
Ho w t h e Un it De t e r m in e s W h e n t o Ala r m
Your Nighthawk CO alarm uses advanced technology to monitor
the environment in your home and warn you of unacceptable
levels of carbon monoxide. An internal microcomputer works
together with the carbon monoxide sensor inside the alarm to
determine the levels of carbon monoxide in the air and to calcu-
late the rate that CO would be absorbed into the human body.
The microcomputer is calibrated to trigger the unit’s alarm before
most people would experience any symptoms of carbon monox-
ide poisoning. Because carbon monoxide is a cumulative poi-
son, long-term exposures to low levels can cause symptoms, as
well as short-term exposures to high levels. Your Nighthawk unit
has a time weighted alarm, so the higher the level of carbon
monoxide present, the sooner the alarm will be triggered.
120V AC units: 60 Hz, Current 60 mA max.
Sensor calibrated at 150 ppm (±25 ppm).
Operating range: 40˚F (4.4˚C) to 100˚F (37.8˚C).
Mounting: Accessories supplied for wall mount, direct plug
and table top applications.
LED Operation:
Blinking dot denotes normal operation.
85+ dB at 10’ @ 3.4 ± 0.5 KHz pulsing alarm.
Digital readout 30-999.
In alarm condition you will hear 4 quick beeps,
5 seconds off, repeat.
This Nighthawk CO alarm meets the alarm response time
requirements of UL Standard 2034 which are as follows:
Battery Backup:
A 9V battery is needed. If battery is low or
missing while the unit is plugged into a 120V outlet,
an “Lb” message will display which will blink
alternately with a the CO reading every second and
the sounder will chirp every 15 seconds.
At 70 ppm, the unit must alarm within 60-240 minutes.
At 150 ppm, the unit must alarm within 10-50 minutes.
At 400 ppm, the unit must alarm within 4-15 minutes.
WARNING: This device may not alarm at low carbon monoxide lev-
els (see chart above for alarm points). WARNING: This product is
intended for use in ordinary indoor locations of family living units. It
is not designed to measure compliance with Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) commercial or industrial standards. This
alarm has not been investigated by UL for carbon monoxide detection
below 70 ppm. Individuals with medical problems may consider
using warning devices which provide audible and visual signals for
carbon monoxide concentrations under 30 ppm.
Unit Malfunction:
“Err” error message will display. Intermittent
alarm will sound every 30 seconds.
Refer to pages 1-6, 6-3 and 6-4 for other error
Test/Reset Button:
Test button verifies proper unit operation and resets
the unit in the event of a CO alarm.
Peak Level Memory Button:
Accu r a cy o f t h e Dig it a l Dis p la y
When pressed, LED will display the highest CO
ppm level detected since unit was powered up or
since unit was reset with test button. Reading will
be stored in memory as long as unit is not reset
or unplugged. Any CO concentration detected from
11-999 will be displayed
Each Nighthawk CO Alarm is calibrated at a CO concentration of
150 ppm in air, at 80˚ F (+/- 10˚ F) and 40% (+/- 3%) relative humid-
ity. Depending on the ambient condition (temperature, humidity)
and the condition of the sensor, the alarm readings may vary.
The digital reading tolerances are:
Ambient: 80˚ F (+/- 10˚ F), atmospheric pressure +/- 10%, 40%
+/- 3% relative humidity.
6”L x 3.75”W x 1.8”H. Wt. 1 lb.
Warranty: Five-year warranty from date of purchase against
(of displayed reading)
defects in material and workmanship.
0-999 ppm
+/-20% +15 ppm
P a r t Six – Fre q u e n t ly As k e d Qu e s t io n s
Q. How many alar ms do I need in my house? How much
square footage will one alar m cover?
A. We recommend you place alarms near the sleeping area(s). If
you have a multi-level home, you should place an alarm on each
Q. You warranty the alar m for five years. How will I know
when it doesn’t work anymore and I need to buy a new one?
A. In any event of malfunction, your alarm will alert you with
malfunction signals. These signals are described in detail on page
level of the home. A good rule of thumb for the number and
placement of CO alarms for your particular home is to place CO
alarms near smoke alarms that have been installed to meet cur-
rent building code requirements.
Q. What do the numbers mean on the digital display when
I press the “Test/Reset” button?
A. The numbers you see when you press the Test/Reset button
are NOT a CO reading. This is a simulated reading the alarm dis-
plays as it tests its electronics. The numbers displayed when the
Test/Reset button is pushed should be between 100 to 400 (usu-
ally around 200).
Generally, one alarm can be adequate for 1,200 to 1,500 square
feet of living space. The most important determination for the
number of units needed is whether an alarm can be heard in all
sleeping areas.
Q. Can you explain what “time-weighted alar m” means?
A. Because carbon monoxide is a cumulative poison, two factors
determine how the body is affected by CO: the level of exposure
and the length of exposure. For example, being continuously
exposed to low levels of carbon monoxide for many hours can
be as dangerous as being exposed to higher levels of CO for a
short period of time.
Q. I called in someone to inspect my home for CO after my
unit alar med, and he couldn’t find anything wrong. Why?
Does that mean this unit “false alar med”?
A. No. Please read the information explaining why a CO prob-
lem can be difficult to diagnose on page 4-2. Also, please read
the information on page 1-6 to make sure you experienced an
alarm and not a malfunction alert.
The microchip inside your Nighthawk CO alarm monitors the air
for the presence of carbon monoxide and computes the levels
and length of exposure, alarming when you should be con-
cerned about CO exposure.
Q. I tried to test the alar m (see below) and it still reads “0.”
– by running the car in the garage
– by holding it to the tailpipe of the car
– by putting it next to the fur nace vent
For more information about the alarm, see page 5-1.
A. DO NOT try to test your alarm by doing any of the above!
Testing the alarm using any of the methods listed above usually
does not yield satisfactory results and could in fact be dangerous.
To accurately test the alarm, please follow the guidelines given
on page 1-5,6.
Q. Do I have to press the test button to get a CO reading?
A. No. Your Nighthawk CO alarm continuously monitors the air
for carbon monoxide. An updated reading is shown on the dig-
ital display every 15 seconds. If there is no CO present, the dig-
ital display will show a zero. The alarm will alert you to the pres-
ence of CO automatically.
To test the internal components and circuitry of your alarm, press
the Test/Reset button. For complete instructions on testing your
alarm, see page 1-5,6.
Never operate a vehicle in a closed garage, as high levels of CO
can be built up in a short time. With an attached garage, dan-
gerous CO levels develop inside the home as well as within the
Attempting to test the sensor function by holding the alarm next
to a tailpipe or furnace vent may not cause a reading on the dis-
play because today’s vehicles emit very little CO once the engine
reaches operating temperature. Likewise, many of today’s high
efficiency furnaces emit very low levels of CO.
Q. What happens if the power goes out?
A. If a good battery is in the unit, the alarm will display a blink-
ing dot at least 20 hours while still providing protection against
CO exposure. Please see page 1-5.
Q. How do I get the alar m to show something besides “0.”
OR, How can I deter mine if the sensor is operating
A. Please refer to “Testing Sensor Response” on page 1-6 for com-
plete instructions on how to test your alarm’s electronics and sen-
sor functions.
P a r t Six – Fre q u e n t ly As k e d Qu e s t io n s
Q. When I tried to test the unit I got a high number on the
digital display, but the alar m didn’t sound immediately.
A. Please refer to “How the unit determines when to alarm” on
page 5-1 for an explanation of the “time weighted alarm.”
Q. I use the alar m in a vacation home that isn’t always
occupied and can have temperature extremes when no one
is there (no heat or no air conditioning). Will that hurt the
alar m? Should I leave it plugged in all the time?
A. We recommend that your alarm not be installed in areas where
temperatures fall below 40˚F (4.4˚C) or rise above 100˚F (37.8˚C).
Your alarm was designed to be constantly plugged in for maxi-
mum performance.
Q. How much electricity does it take to run the CO alar m?
A. The alarm uses less than one watt of electricity.
A typical night light uses approximately four watts.
Q. I plugged in the alar m at my house (my parents’, my
neighbors’, etc.) and it read “0.” Does that mean everything
is OK? (I’m thinking I can retur n the alar m since every-
thing checks out OK.)
A. This CO alarm is designed to act as a continuous monitor, it is
not designed for use as a short-term testing device to perform a
quick check for the presence of CO.
Q. Will the alar m last longer if I unplug it during the sum-
mer months and only use it during the winter?
A. No. Some components of the alarm can deteriorate over time
if not used regularly. We recommend the alarm be plugged in
continuously for maximum alarm life.
Q. My alar m shows a reading of 30 ppm. and then drops
immediately to “0” ppm., what causes this?
Remember, a carbon monoxide problem can occur at any time,
even after a professional inspection has determined that every-
thing is in proper working order. Examples of problems that can
develop are a crack in a furnace heat exchanger, a leak in a water
heater vent, or a bird’s nest blocking a flue.
A. Per UL 2034 (section 3.19) which states “Warning signal:
except for alarm and trouble signals, no other audible and
visual signals shall be used. (ie: warning signals that indicate the
presence of CO less than 30 ppm.)”. Nighthawk CO alarms can
not display CO concentrations detected below 30 ppm. Under
normal conditions, however, by pressing the peak level button,
concentrations of CO detected below 30 ppm will be displayed.
Other sources are nearly impossible to detect: even a change in
the air pressure outside can turn a normally safe situation dead-
ly. That’s why you need the 24-hour protection provided by a CO
Refer to page 1-7.
P a r t Six – Dis p la y Re a d in g a n d W h a t Th e y M e a n
Page 6-3 and 6-4 contain vital inform ation about the various readings you m ay
see on your display. We suggest you keep this User’s Guide handy for reference.
Your new Nighthawk carbon monoxide alarm is a sophisticat-
ed electronic device – yet very simple to understand. Basically,
the unit will display a “0” if it does not sense carbon monox-
ide and if you have a good 9V backup battery installed.
If it senses carbon monoxide, it will display a reading so you
can see if you have a non-threatening or emergency situation.
However, if the backup battery is low or missing, or if the unit
malfunctions it will display other readings (and alarm differ-
ently) to alert you that something is wrong with the alarm
Please familiarize yourself and other family members to the
difference between a CO reading and a reading signifying a
problem with the alarm itself.
St a r t -u p a n d No r m a l Op e r a t io n Re a d in g s
Dis p la y Sh o w s
Ala r m So u n d
Un it St a t u s
Re co m m e n d e d Act io n
Brief “888” and
One short “chirp” Self checking when AC powered
None – Unit should quickly
flashing dot
return to zero.
“Lb” and dot
flashes alternately
with “0”.
One short “chirp” Start-up or reset phase when
every 15 seconds. AC powered and low battery
Install or Replace 9V battery
Refer to page 1-4.
(flashes alternately)
Steady “0”
and flashing dot
Normal AC operation (sensing
no CO) and with good battery
Steady display of
4 quick beeps,
High level of CO detected
Refer to page 4-1
high number (in the 5 seconds off,
hundreds of ppm)
and flashing dot
If at any tim e you test the alarm and it does not perform as described, have it replaced im m ediately.
P a r t Six – Dis p la y Re a d in g a n d W h a t Th e y M e a n
Re a d in g s Yo u M a y Se e W h e n Un it is AC P o w e re d
Dis p la y Sh o w s
Ala r m So u n d
Un it St a t u s
Re co m m e n d e d Act io n
Steady “Err”
and flashing dot
“Chirp” every
30 seconds
Unit malfunctioning when
AC powered
Call KIDDE Safety customer
service at 1-800-880-6788
Re a d in g s Yo u M a y Se e W h e n Un it is o n Te m p o r a r y Ba t t e r y Ba ck u p
Dis p la y Sh o w s
Ala r m So u n d
Un it St a t u s
Re co m m e n d e d Act io n
Flashing dot
Normal battery-only operation –
unit will show reading only if it
senses CO
Plug in to AC as soon as
possible to conserve battery
Flashing dot and
“Chirp” every
30 seconds
Unit malfunctioning when
battery powered
Call KIDDE Safety customer
service at 1-800-880-6788
Flashing dot
No display
“Chirp” every
30 seconds
Very low battery –
unit will not respond to CO
Replace battery
Refer to Step 3 on page ii.
Constant Alarm
Near dead battery or
unit malfunction
Replace battery –
If this does not fix condition,
Call KIDDE Safety customer
service at 1-800-880-6788
If at any tim e you test the alarm and it does not perform as described, have it replaced im m ediately.
No t e s :
Wa ll M o u n t Dia g r a m
If you are going to mount your Nighthawk CO alarm to the wall,
you may use this guide for exact placement of the two wall mount
screws provided. For more information about mounting to the
wall, please refer to page 1-4.
Lim it e d Wa r r a n t y
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warran-
ty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential
or incidental damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not
apply to you.
Legal Remedies: This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you
may also have other rights that vary from state to state.
Warranty Performance: During the above warranty period, your prod-
uct will be replaced with a comparable product if the defective prod-
uct is returned, postage prepaid, to KIDDE Safety, Customer Service
Department, 1-800-880-6788, together with proof of purchase date.
Please include a note describing the problem when you return the
unit. The replacement product will be in warranty for the remainder of
the original warranty period or for six months, whichever is longer.
Other than the cost of postage, no charge will be made for replace-
ment of the defective product.
Warranty Disclaimers: Any implied warranties arising out of this sale,
including but not limited to the implied warranties of description, mer-
chantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in duration
to the above warranty period. In no event shall the Manufacturer be
liable for loss of use of this product or for any indirect, special, inci-
dental or consequential damages, or costs, or expenses incurred by the
consumer or any other user of this product, whether due to a breach
of contract, negligence, strict liability in tort or otherwise. The
Manufacturer shall have no liability for any personal injury, property
damage or any special, incidental, contingent or consequential dam-
age of any kind resulting from gas leakage, fire or explosion.
Important: Do not remove back cover. Back cover removal will void
Your Nighthawk Carbon Monoxide Alarm is not a substitute for prop-
erty, disability, life or other insurance of any kind. Appropriate insur-
ance coverage is your responsibility. Consult your insurance agent.
Wa r r a n t y Re g is t r a t io n
To register for your five year factory warranty, please fill out the enclosed warranty card completely, apply necessary postage and
place in the mail. You may place the warranty card in a separate envelope if you wish.
Please use the follow ing address for w arranty
registration ONLY:
Please send products and all other
correspondence to:
KIDDE Safety
KIDDE Safety
Product Registration Department
PO Box 8748
Denver, CO 80201-8748
Attn.: Customer Service Department
1394 South Third Street
Mebane, NC 27302
Warranty information is located on the label on the back of the alarm. For your convenience, please complete the warranty informa-
tion before installing the alarm.
The model number and assembly number can be found on the label on the back of the alarm.
For Warranty Service:
In many cases the quickest way to exchange your alarm is to return it to the original place of purchase. If you have questions, call
the KIDDE Safety customer service department at 1-800-880-6788 for assistance.
1394 South Third Street, Mebane, NC 27302
Consumer Hotline: 1-800-880-6788
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