Endura® Workstation with
WS5000 Advanced System Software
C1628M-F (10/07)
Logging On and Off
Before starting, ensure that the Endura workstation is configured to work on an Endura network. For information on network requirements,
consult the Endura Network Design Guide.
To start the application, double-click the Endura icon on the desktop. A login dialog box appears. If the system manager (SM5000) is online,
enabling the authentication of users and devices, a small key icon appears in the lower right-hand corner.
Logging on loads your user profile, including language preferences. When you start the WS5000 application, the Login screen automatically
appears. You cannot access the application if you do not have a valid user name and password.
When logging on to an Endura network that includes an SM5000, the default user name is admin and the default password is admin. To keep
your system secure, be sure to change the default passwords. Record your new login information in a secure location.
To log on:
1. Type your Endura user name.
2. Type your password.
3. Click OK. If the OK button is not available, you must synchronize with the
system manager. To do so, click the Synchronize button
on the Login
screen. A message displays after the system manager has been located, and
the OK button will be available for you to log on to the system.
Figure 2. Login Dialog Box
NOTE: User names and passwords are case-sensitive.
After you log on to the system, the main screen appears, and the devices on your network start to load. Depending on the size of your network,
the process may take a few minutes. Check the lower-left corner of the application screen to see the status of the device-loading process.
NOTE: Every Endura user may be assigned one or more roles; each role has permission to access a particular set of Endura devices and WS5000
features. If, when you log in, you do not see a device or system feature you expect to see, contact the system administrator to find out whether
your permissions should be edited to expand your access.
To exit the program, select Exit or Logout from the File menu. The system logs you off, closes the application, and displays the desktop.
Main Screen
This section offers an overview of the main screen. Refer to the Quick Reference on page 5 section for basic instructions on how to use the
system, including how to select a camera, control PTZ, respond to alarms, and play back recorded video. For more detailed explanations, refer to
the operation manual for the WS5000 advanced system software.
Figure 3. WS5000 Main Screen
C1628M-F (10/07)
Title Bar: The Endura name appears here, along with the name of the user currently logged on.
Menu Bar: Use drop-down menus on the menu bar to access application features:
Toolbar: Click buttons on this bar to access the application screens and workspaces. If a toolbar button has a lighter background color and
a gray border around it, that feature is currently active.
1 x 1 layout
2 x 2 layout
3 x 3 layout
4 x 4 layout
1 x 5 layout
1 + 12 layout
Extended view
Display system log
2 + 8 layout
Synchronous playback
Enhanced search
Adjust audio volume
Alarm indicators
External monitors
Start Endura Mapping
Navigation: This panel displays all the cameras on the network. To view video, click and drag a camera to a video pane. Apply group or
location filters in Camera view or Explorer view. Rearrange the list by camera name, number, group, or location in Explorer view.
Alarm Indicators: As alarms are received, a color-coded alarm indicator
appears in the toolbar. Each alarm indicator represents a
different type of alarm that Endura supports. For example, a green alarm indicator represents normal alarms; yellow indicates minor alarms,
orange indicates major alarms, and red indicates critical alarms. A flashing indicator means that an alarm has been received but not
Workspaces: Each workspace tab displays a group of video panes with the cameras you have selected. Changes to the camera selections
are automatically saved. You do not have to select the same cameras each time you log on. There are three specialized workspaces:
External Monitors. This workspace functions as a virtual monitor wall, with monitor icons arranged to correspond to physical
NTSC/PAL or VGA monitors. Drag and drop cameras onto this workspace to display video on your actual monitor wall.
Enhanced Search. This workspace allows you to search for video by a date/time range, multiple devices, and multiple events. It also
supports locking, unlocking, and exporting video.
Alarms. This workspace functions as the Alarm Manager. The Alarm Manager workspace displays a list of all active alarms including
those from physical events, motion events, and device errors reported by the system. An icon indicates the type of response to each
alarm to clear it, acknowledge it, or pause it for later (also referred to as snoozing an alarm).
Video Pane: A bright green border indicates the currently selected video pane. Bright yellow indicates recorded video. Bright red indicates
that manual recording is in progress. If audio is available, it will stream along with the live or recorded video. Right-click the video pane to
see what services (such as patterns and presets) the camera supports.
Video Controls: When you move your cursor into a pane to which video is streaming (either live or played back), these controls appear in
the lower-left corner of the pane. Rest your mouse above each button to learn its function.
Search Results Tabs: These tabs allow you to search for video from a single camera on the Quick Search tab or to view broader search
results on the Enhanced Search Results tab. Each tab offers playback and export options.
Quick Search Timeline: This timeline displays any video that has been recorded in the past 24 hours for the currently selected camera.
As you select a different video pane, the display is updated to reflect the available recorded video for the currently selected camera.
Commands are available to disable automatic video search (
video segment ( ), jump to the next recorded video segment (
), disable automatic video playback ( ), jump to the previously recorded
), play video ( ), and export video ( ).
Status Bar: Icons on this bar indicate available network services, the security status for the system, and the currently active interface
C1628M-F (10/07)
Quick Reference
To do this:
Take this action:
On-screen button
Get help with Endura
Click the Help button in the toolbar.
Or go to the Help menu and then select Help.
Log off
Go to the File menu and then select Exit/Logout.
Work with Cameras
Select a workspace
(a set of cameras)
Click a workspace tab.
Select a camera for live Click a camera in the Navigation panel and then drag the
camera to a video pane.
Or right-click a video pane and then select Select Camera
by Number.
Disconnect a camera
Adjust PTZ
Right-click the video pane, and then select Disconnect
from the context menu.
Click in the video pane and then drag the mouse to pan or
tilt. Use the mouse’s scroll button to zoom in and out.
Arrow keys to pan/
tilt; Page Up and
Page Down to zoom
Adjust focus
Adjust iris
Click the Focus button in the video controls, and then use
the on-screen slider.
Click the Iris button in the video controls, and then use the
on-screen slider.
Use digital zoom
Click the Digital Zoom button in the video controls, and
then use the mouse to adjust the zoom.
Page Up
Page Down
Run pattern, preset, or
Right-click the video pane, and then select an option from
the context menu.
Assign a camera to an
external monitor
Click the External Monitors button in the toolbar or
workspace tab. Click a camera in the Navigation panel,
and then drag the camera to an external monitor icon.
View camera properties Right-click the video pane or a camera in the Navigation
panel, and then select Properties from the context menu.
C1628M-F (10/07)
To do this:
Take this action:
On-screen button
Adjust the Display
Change the cameras
displayed in the
Navigation panel
Modify camera filters.
Or use an “Arranged by” option in Explorer view.
Enter extended view
(hide toolbars and
Click the Extended View button in the toolbar.
Or go to the Views menu and select Extended View.
Exit extended view
(return to main screen)
Press the ESC key.
Or right-click and select Exit Extended View.
ESC or
Show or hide motion
detection indicators
Right-click the video pane, and then select Show Motion/
Hide Motion from the context menu.
Change the layout of a
Click a layout icon in the toolbar.
Or go to the Workspace menu, and then select a layout.
CTRL + 1, CTRL + 2,
CTRL + 3, CTRL + 4,
CTRL + 5, CTRL + 6,
or CTRL + 7
Add a new workspace
Rename a workspace
Right-click a workspace tab or go to the Workspace menu,
select New Workspace, and then assign a name.
Right-click a workspace tab or go to the Workspace menu,
select Modify Workspace, and then assign a new name.
Adjust volume of audio Click the Volume button, and then move the volume slider.
associated with video
Work with Recorded Video
Search for video on one Click and drag a camera onto the Quick Search tab, and
camera by date/time,
and then select result
then drag the timeline bar to the desired date/time.
Search for video on
Click the Enhanced Search button in the toolbar or
workspace tab, and then use the form to select date, time,
cameras, and events. Click a search result and drag to a
video pane.
more than one camera
by date/time and event,
and then select result
Control playback of
Use the video controls in the lower-left corner of the video
pane. Hover your mouse above each button to learn its
Run synchronized
Click the Synchronous Playback button, and then select up
to four cameras to play back.
Export video
Click the Export button from the video controls,
the Quick Search tab, or the Enhanced Search
Results tab.
Export a snapshot
Click the Snapshot button in the video controls. The image
is saved in your default export location.
C1628M-F (10/07)
To do this:
Take this action:
On-screen button
Manage Events
Respond to an alarm
Click Snooze or Acknowledge on the Alarm Manager tab.
Click Comments to read instructions for responding to the
selected alarm. Click Log entry to add a message about an
alarm. Click the Send button
in the Details area to
view all video associated with the alarm in a workspace.
Mark an event (to make During playback, click the Mark Event button in the video
it easier to search for a
video clip later)
Manually record video
Click the Record button in the video controls.
Or right-click the video pane, and then select Record.
Stop manual recording
Click the Record button in the video control.
Or right-click the video pane, and then select Stop
Run a script
Go to the Tools menu, and then select Execute Script.
Go to the Tools menu, and then select Activate Relay.
Go to the Tools menu, and then select Add to System Log.
Activate a relay
Add manual entry to
system log
Manage Endura System
View a log of all system Click the System Log button in the toolbar.
events and device
Or go to the Tools menu, and then select View System
Open the Setup screen Click the Setup button.
Or go to the Setup menu, and then select Setup.
Adjust network settings Open Setup and then click the System Configuration tab.
Refer to Help for more details.
Configure a device
Open Setup and then click the Devices tab. Refer to Help
for more details.
Edit a user’s set of
Open Setup and then click the Roles tab. Refer to Help for
more details.
Add a new user
Open Setup and then click the Users tab. Refer to Help for
more details.
Configure an external
monitor wall
Open Setup and then click the External Monitors tab.
Refer to Help for more details.
Set up a recording
Open Setup and then click the Recording Schedule tab.
Refer to Help for more details.
Program a script (a
macro or set of actions)
Open Setup and then click the Scripts tab. Refer to Help
for more details.
Update software on an Open Setup and then click the Update Software tab. Refer
Endura device
to Help for more details.
C1628M-F (10/07)
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