USB 2.0 Digital TV Receiver (ISDB-T)
Quick Install Guide
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1 System Requirements
Š Pentium 4 compatible processor 1.2GHz or higher
(2.0GHz recommended)
Š Minimum 256MB RAM or above (512MB recommended)
Š VGA card with minimum 32MB memory
Š AC97 compatible sound card
Š 1 GB free HD space
Š CD-ROM drive (For software installation)
Š One available USB2.0 port
Š Microsoft DirectX 9 or above
Š Windows 2000(SP4) / XP (SP2) / Vista (32bit)
Š Windows Media Player 9 or above
2 Package Contents
Š DTR-100DB USB 2.0 Digital TV Receiver
Š Installation CD (Include User Manual, Quick Installation
Guide, Utility and Driver)
Š ISDB-T TV Antenna
3 Before Startup
3.1 Physical Specification
DTR-100DB USB 2.0 Digital TV Receiver
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3.2 Physical Installation
This chapter explains how to install DTR-100DB with your
computer or notebook.
1. Connecting USB Port
Connect USB connector of the DTR-100DB to the USB port on
your computer or notebook.
2. Connecting Terrestrial Antenna
Connect the supplied ISDB-T antenna to the VHF/UHF port on
the backside of the DTR-100DB.
3. Install Device Driver & Utility
(1) After installing the DTR-100DB into your computer or note-
book, the system will find a new hardware device as the
below figure “Found New Hardware Wizard” will appear.
Please click “Cancel” to exit the Wizard.
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(2) Please insert the supplied CD into your CD drive, and then
install the utility and driver. There are three utilities in the
supplied CD: Windows Media Player 9, Microsoft
DirectX 9, and Presto! PVR.
The installation procedure: Windows Media Player 9 Î Micro-
soft DirectX 9Î Presto! PVRÎ DTR-100DB’s Driver.
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Before installing DTR-100DB’s driver,
it is necessary to install Windows Me-
dia Player 9 and DirectX 9, or higher
version for your Operating System. If
your system already has Windows Me-
dia Player 9 and DirectX 9, or higher
Windows Media
Player 9
Microsoft DirectX 9 version, you can skip this part of instal-
This option to install PVR software and
this is user interface allow you to ac-
Presto! PVR
cess and work with the digital video,
and recorded TV programs from your
TV or home computer.
To install the DTR-100DB’s driver.
(1) If you install the DTR-100DB with Notebook,
please make sure the “Power Saving” function
is turned OFF.
(The “Power saving” function will lower down
the CPU Performance and may effect the DTR-
100DB’s operation).
(2) Be sure, if you connect the antenna to the
DTR-100DB and please adjust it to a better re-
ception angle and location every time.
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4 User Interface
Before you begin, make sure that the antenna is connected to
the DTR-100DB device.
4.1 Launch Presto! PVR Application
(1) Double-click Desktop Icon “Presto! PVR”.
4.2 Main Monitor
NewSoft Presto! PVR is an application for turning your com-
puter into a media center. It allows you to watch and record
your favorite TV programs. You have the convenience of a
VCR without having to rewind any tape.
4.3 Main screen & Menu
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At the top of the presentation area,
the program status (Recording or
playing), as well as the video qual-
ity, will be listed.
Program Status
PS. The Program status will ap-
pear only when playing or
recording a program.
Information Win-
List the time along with the channel
number and name.
There are the buttons for controlling
the viewer.
Full Screen
Minimize Screen
Close Screen
There are special feature buttons.
EPG / Captions
Settings / Help
Check the programs that have al-
ready been record
Previous Channel
Next Channel
Last Channel
There buttons are for choosing a
channel to watch on TV. Either by
going up or down a channel goes
back to the previously viewed chan-
nel, or choosing from the channel
Channel List
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The volume controls let you turn it
up and down as well as off, and the
indicator show the current volume
Increase Volume
Decrease Volume
The program control buttons are
used for going forward, going back-
ward, or to stop time shifting and
recording. They are available after
recording or time shifting button is
clicked or after you have chosen a
program or video to play from the
History dialog box.
These buttons are used for re-
cording program or time shifting.
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5 Further Information
If you still have any problem on connecting, please check
user’s manual on the bundled CD for detail configuration.
If you have any other questions, please contact the dealer
where you purchased this product or you can contact PLANET
directly at the following email address:
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