Service Manual
23” Insert
Model Numbers:
DFI2309 MOD ~ to D
DFI2310 MOD ~ to D
Dimplex North America Limited
1367 Industrial Road Cambridge ON Canada N1R 7G8
In keeping with our policy of continuous product development, we reserve the right to make changes without notice.
This three (3) position switch offers the following functions:
(I) Manual mode
Electric Fireplace Manual Control
When in the “ I ” position, the fireplace bypasses the built-
in remote control, the flame effect is turned on and the
electrical supply to the heater is controlled manually using
the Low Heat and High Heat Switches (Figure 1-C and D).
The manual controls for the unit are located in the top, right
corner, on the front of the firebox (Figure 1). A switch is in
the On position when the side with the “ I ”, or “ II ” markings
on it is pushed in.
(II) Remote mode
The “ II ” position is for operating the unit with the provided
remote control. When in “ II ” position the unit is operated
with the ON and OFF buttons of the remote control.
Figure 1
! NOTE: Remote control operates main power supply. Heat
must still be controlled by switches on fireplace.
(O) Off position
All power to all functions are switched off.
Resetting the Temperature Cutoff Switch
Should the fireplace overheat, an automatic cut out will turn
the heater off and it will not come back on without being
reset. It can be reset by switching the Main Power Switch
(Figure 1-A or B) to the Off (“ O ”) position, and waiting five
(5) minutes before switching the unit back on.
CAUTION: If you need to continuously reset the heater,
unplug the unit and call Dimplex North America Limited at
1-888-346-7539 for technical support.
Heat Switches (all models, all MOD levels)
Figure 1-C - Low Heat Switch (“ I ”)
Remote Controls
The Low Heat On/Off Switch supplies power to the heater fan
and the heater element. When the switch is in the On (“ I ”)
position the heater operates on Low.
The following plug-in remote control (Figure 2) is included
with the models and MOD levels specified below:
Used in:
DFI2309 MODs ~ to B
DFI2310 MOD ~
Figure 1-D - High Heat Switch (“ II ”)
The High Heat Switch supplies power to the heater fan and
the heater element, when the switch is in the On (“ II ”)
position the heater operates on High. The C - Low Heat
Switch must also be in the On position for the high heat
setting to operate.
Figure 2
On button
! NOTE: If Switches C and D are in the Off position, only
the flame effect will turn on when the power switch is
Off button
Main Power Switches (Figure 1-A & B)
A - On/Off Switch
Used in:
DFI2309 MODs ~ to B
DFI2310 MOD ~
The two (2) position On/Off Switch supplies power to all the
fireplace functions.
B - On/Off/On Switch
Receiver outlet
Used in:
DFI2309 MODs C to D
DFI2310 MODs A to D
The remote control has a range of approximately 50 feet
(15.25 m). It does not have to be pointed at the fireplace
and can pass through most obstacles (including walls). It is
supplied with one of 243 independent frequencies to prevent
interference with other units and the frequency designation is
indicated on the back of the transmitter.
The following integrated remote control (Figure 3) is included
with the models and MOD levels specified below:
Used in:
DFI2309 MODs C to D
DFI2310 MOD A2 to D
Replace battery when needed with a 9 volt battery.
! NOTE: Ensure that the fireplace’s 3 Position On/Off
Switch (Figure 1-B) is set to the remote control (“ II ”)
Remote Control Installation
1. Plug fireplace cord set into the outlet located on the side
of the receiver (Figure 2).
Figure 3
2. Plug receiver into the wall outlet.
3. Remove the plastic tag at the battery cover, to activate the
remote control.
! NOTE: Fireplace Power On/Off Switch (Figure 1-A) must
be in the On (“ I ”) position prior to using the Remote
ON/OFF Remote Control may be used to control most
other electrical devices including TV’s, stereos and lamps.
CAUTION: For indoor use in dry areas only.
Battery Cover
For use on electrical devices with 15 amp resistive load or
1/3 HP inductive load.
120 volt AC only.
! NOTE: The plug-in remote version may include either
the remote transmitter as pictured on page 3 or the
transmitter as shown to the right.
To operate: push ON button to turn fireplace on; push OFF
button to turn fireplace off (Figure 3).
! NOTE: Remote control operates main power supply.
Heat must still be controlled by Low Heat and High Heat
switches on fireplace (Figure 1-C & D).
Battery Installation/Replacement
1. Depress tab on the battery cover on the back of the
remote transmitter and remove battery cover (Figure 3).
2. Properly orientate and install one (1) 12 Volt (A23) battery
into the remote control.
3. Replace the battery cover.
Remote Initialization
1. From an power off position, place the Main On/Off Switch
(Figure 1-B) into the Remote (“ II ”) position.
2. Within 10 seconds of step 1, press the ON button on the
remote control.
This will synchronize the remote control transmitter with the
receiver within the fireplace.
! NOTE: You will only have 10 seconds to perform the last
step. If this is not completed within 5-10 seconds, the
procedure will have to be repeated.
Exploded Parts Diagram
Replacement Parts List
DFI2309 - Part Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6901470159
DFI2310 - Part Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6901470259
Replacement Parts for both DFI2309, DFI2310 all MODs:
1. Cord set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4100090101RP
2. Heater Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2200490800RP
3. Cutout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2300270200RP
4. Flicker Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000220100RP
5. Flicker Rod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5900340100RP
6. Lampholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4200120100RP
7. Terminal block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4000070100RP
Non-Universal Replacement Parts
8. Log set
DFI2309 MOD ~ to C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0438200200RP
DFI2309 MOD D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0438200800RP
DFI2310 MOD ~ to D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0439230200RP
9. Mirror
DFI2309 all MODs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5900350100RP
DFI2310 all MODs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5900350200RP
10. 2 Piece Plug-in Remote Control
DFI2309 MOD ~ to B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680024RPNEW
DFI2310 MOD ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680024RPNEW
11. Integrated Remote Control
DFI2309 MOD C to D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000370500RP
DFI2310 MOD A to D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000370500RP
12. Integrated Remote Receiver
DFI2309 MOD C to D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000380200RP
DFI2310 MOD A to D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000380200RP
13. Main Power Switch
DFI2309 MOD ~ to A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800090100RP*
DFI2309 MOD B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800070700RP
DFI2309 MOD C to D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800071100RP
DFI2310 MOD ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800070700RP
DFI2310 MOD A to D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800071100RP
14. Low Heat Switch
DFI2309 MOD ~ to A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800090100RP*
DFI2309 MOD B to D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800070900RP
DFI2310 MOD ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800090100RP*
DFI2310 MOD A to D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800070900RP
15. High Heat Switch
DFI2309 MOD ~ to A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800090100RP*
DFI2309 MOD B to D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800071000RP
DFI2310 MOD ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800090100RP*
DFI2310 MOD A to D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2800071000RP
16. LED Log Driver (DFI2310 only) . . . . . . . . 3000390100RP
Wiring Diagram - DFI2309 MOD ~ to B
Terminal Block
Cord Set
Heater Elements
Heat Switch
On/Off Switch
Low Heat Switch
Terminal Block
Flicker Motor
Lamp holders
Wiring Diagram - DFI2309 MOD C to D
Terminal Block
Cord Set
Heater Elements
Heat Switch
Main On/Off/On
Low Heat Switch
Terminal Block
Lamp holders
Flicker Motor
Wiring Diagram - DFI2310 MOD ~
Wire Harness to
Log Set
LED Log Set
Terminal Block
Cord Set
Heater Elements
Heat Switch
Low Heat Switch
On/Off Switch
Terminal Block
Lamp holders
Flicker Motor
Wiring Diagram - DFI2310 MOD A to D
LED Log Set Driver
Wire Harness to
Log Set
Terminal Block
Cord Set
Heater Elements
Heat Switch
Low Heat Switch
Main On/Off/On Switch
Terminal Block
Lamp holders
Flicker Motor
Figure 5
Universal Replacement Procedures
Mirror Replacement
If the firebox was operating prior to servicing allow at least
five (5) minutes for light bulbs and heating element to cool off
to avoid accidental burning of skin.
control panel
Log set
Disconnect power before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
Replacement Procedure
1. Disconnect power and remove firebox from mantel or
existing fireplace.
2. Remove four (4) Phillips screws from the top and rear,
upper edge of the firebox as shown in Figure 4-A. This
will release the top cover from the firebox.
Switch Replacement
If the firebox was operating prior to servicing allow at least
five (5) minutes for light bulbs and heating element to cool off
to avoid accidental burning of skin.
Figure 4
A. Step 2
screws to
Disconnect power before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
Each of the three (3) switches (Main Power Switch, Low
Heat Switch and High Heat Switch) will have the same
replacement procedure.
B. Step 3
screws to
Replacement Procedure:
1. Disconnect power and remove firebox from mantel or
existing fireplace.
2. Remove four (4) Phillips screws from the top and rear,
upper edge of the firebox as shown in Figure 4-A. This
will release the top cover from the firebox.
3. Tilt the top cover of the firebox up and either prop the
cover against a stationary object or situate it in such
a way that there is access to the upper section of the
3. Tilt the top cover of the firebox up and either prop the
cover against a stationary object or situate it in such
a way that there is access to the upper section of the
4. Remove all wiring clips and connections from the switch
4. Remove one (1) or two (2) Phillips screws from each
upper corner of the firebox as shown in Figure 4-B.
Quantity will differ by model and MOD level.
to be replaced, noting their original locations (Figure 6).
Figure 6
Retainer clips
5. Gently push the switch control panel inwards until top
edge of mirror is exposed (Figure 5).
6. Slide mirror up to remove.
7. Properly orientate replacement mirror and slide it down
into place behind Log Set.
High Heat switch
8. Re-assemble firebox in reverse order as above.
Low Heat switch
power switch
! NOTE: It may be necessary to remove all wire clips and/
or switches in order to provide sufficient working room
within the firebox. Be sure to note each wire’s original
location carefully.
Figure 7
Step 5 screws to
remove (4)
5. Remove the switch by depressing the retaining clips
(Figure 6) and pushing the switch forward, through the
sheet metal of the firebox.
Top cover
Mounting brackets
& screws
! NOTE: Due to the switches’ placement under the lip
of sheet metal, it may be necessary to use a large flat-
headed screwdriver to slide between the switch and sheet
metal in order to depress the top retaining clip.
Heater elements
6. Properly orientate replacement switch and push through
sheet metal of firebox until retaining clips snap into place.
Heater blower & motor
7. Re-connect wiring clips removed in step 5.
Figure 8
WARNING: Improper re-connection of wiring may
result in electric shock, fire, or injury to persons. Ensure
that connections to/from switches match those of the
respective wiring diagram for the particular model and
MOD level being serviced (pages 7-10).
Cutout screw
Blower motor
9. Re-assemble firebox following steps 1-3 in reverse order.
Heater Assembly/Cutout Replacement
If the firebox was operating prior to servicing allow at least
five (5) minutes for light bulbs and heating element to cool off
to avoid accidental burning of skin.
Terminal block
Upper, inside
corner of firebox
Disconnect power before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
a small Phillips screwdriver to loosen the screw which
clamps the wire from the cutout to the terminal block.
ii) With wires loose from their connections, remove the
small Phillips screw that attaches the cutout to the heater
assembly (Figure 8). Remove and discard old cutout.
Replacement Procedure
1. Disconnect power and remove firebox from mantel or
existing fireplace.
iii) Attach replacement cutout to heater assembly using
2. Remove four (4) Phillips screws from the top and rear,
upper edge of the firebox as shown in Figure 4-A. This
will release the top cover from the firebox.
screw from step ii.
iv) Connect piggy-back wire as shown in Figure 8.
v) Connect long, single-ended wire to terminal block.
Ensure that black power wire leading to lower section of
firebox (and any other wires disconnected from terminal
block in step i) is connected with wire lead from cutout.
Tighten down on terminal block with small Phillips
3. Lift the top cover of the firebox up carefully - the heater
assembly is attached to the underside of the top cover.
4. Using side cutters, cut all zip ties that bind wires together
5. Hold the heater assembly in one hand (or have another
person assist), and remove four (4) Phillips screws from
the top cover to release the heater assembly from the top
cover (Figure 7).
WARNING: Improper re-connection of wiring may result
in electric shock, fire, or injury to persons. Ensure that
connections to/from cutout match those of the respective
wiring diagram for the particular model and MOD level
being serviced (pages 7-10).
Cutout Replacement
i) Follow the two (2) wires leading from the cutout and
disconnect them from their respective terminals.
vi) If servicing is complete, follow steps 1-5 in reverse order.
! NOTE: The shorter wire from the cutout has a piggy-
back connection at the heater element as shown in
Figure 8. Disconnect the piggy-back connection as well
as the secondary wire that connects to the blower motor
Heater Assembly Replacement
i) Remove the one (1) small Phillips screw which attaches
the cutout to the heater assembly (Figure 8).
To remove the longer wire from the terminal block, use
ii) Remove the two (2) piggy-back and three (3) single wire
connectors from the heater element and motor, noting
their original locations.
Power Cord Replacement
If the firebox was operating prior to servicing allow at least
five (5) minutes for light bulbs and heating element to cool off
to avoid accidental burning of skin.
iii) Remove the two (2) Phillips screws from each of the
two (2) mounting brackets as shown in Figure 7. Do not
discard brackets.
Disconnect power before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
iv) Attach the two (2) mounting brackets to the replacement
heater assembly in the same orientation as in Figure 7,
using two (2) Phillips screws removed in step iii.
Replacement Procedure:
v) Using the single small Phillips screw from step i, attach
the cutout to the replacement heater assembly.
1. Disconnect power and remove firebox from mantel or
existing fireplace.
vi) Attach the piggy-back wire from the cutout as shown in
Figure 8: piggy-back connectors to the lower terminal of
the heater element, then on to the inner-most terminal of
the blower motor.
2. Remove four (4) Phillips screws from the top and rear,
upper edge of the firebox as shown in Figure 4-A. This
will release the top cover from the firebox.
vii) Attach the last two (2) wires removed in step ii: yellow
wire will run from the high heat switch to the top, front-
most terminal; the grey piggy-back wire will run from the
low heat switch to the top, inner-most terminal of the
heater element then piggy-back to the outer terminal of
the blower motor (Figure 9).
3. Lift the top cover of the firebox up carefully - the heater
assembly is attached to the underside of the top cover.
4. Follow the power cord through the firebox chassis and
cut all zip ties that bind the two (2) wires of the power
cord using side cutters.
5. Disconnect the power cord
Figure 10
wire which leads to the Main
Figure 9
Power On/Off (or On/Off/On)
Switch. This should be the
only black wire going to this
switch (Figure 10).
Grey wire
6. Use a small Phillips
screwdriver to loosen the
screw which clamps the
other power cord lead into the
terminal block (Figure 10).
Make note of any additional
wires that were clamped
together with power cord.
Yellow wire
7. To remove power cord from
chassis, use needle nose
pliers to squeeze sides of
cable clamp and pull through
chassis of firebox, removing clamp and cable.
WARNING: Improper re-connection of wiring may result
in electric shock, fire, or injury to persons. Ensure that
connections to/from heater assembly and switches match
those of the respective wiring diagram for the particular
model and MOD level being serviced (pages 7-10).
8. Remove clamp from cable and attach to replacement
cord, leaving approximately eight (8) inches (20 cm) of
slack to wire ends (orientate clamp in same manner with
tapered side facing wire ends).
9. Feed replacement power cord through chassis hole and
using pliers, squeeze sides of cable clamp to push clamp
into sheet metal until snaps in place.
! NOTE: The wire colors referenced in these instructions
may not be the same as those used in all fireboxes.
Ensure that all wiring matches original placement and/or
the wiring diagrams that are supplied in this manual.
10. Connect terminated wire end to Main Power Switch.
11. Connect crimped wire end to terminal block where
original was removed (step 6). Also ensure any wires
freed in step 6 are clamped together with power cord
viii) Follow steps 1 through 5 in reverse order to reassemble
12. Follow steps 1 through 3 in reverse order to reassemble
Figure 12
Model / MOD Specific Procedures
Light Bulb Replacement
Allow at least five (5) minutes for light bulbs to cool before
touching bulbs to avoid accidental burning of skin.
Flicker Rod
Bulbs (2)
Light bulbs need to be replaced when you notice a dark
section of the flame. There are two (2) bulbs under the log
set which generate the flames and embers.
Disconnect power before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
Helpful Hints
LED wire harness
It is a good idea to replace all light bulbs at one time if they
are close to the end of their rated life. Group replacement
will reduce the number of times you need to open the unit to
replace light bulbs.
carefully bend the Flicker Rod enough to release the
opposite end from the mounting bracket (Figure 12).
6. Pull Flicker Rod off of the shaft of the Flicker Motor and
set aside.
Light Bulb Requirements
7. Remove bulb(s) by turning counter-clockwise and replace.
Quantity of two (2) clear chandelier or candelabra bulbs with
an E-12 (small) socket base, 60 Watt rating.
8. Push rubber grommet of Flicker Rod back onto shaft of
Flicker Motor and carefully bend Flicker Rod so as to
insert opposite end back into mounting bracket.
Do not exceed 60 Watts per bulb
Replacement Procedure for:
! NOTE: If Flicker Rod is bent out of alignment, carefully
bend it back to become straight. If Flicker Rod is not
properly aligned, it may cause noise during operation by
rubbing against metal chassis.
DFI2309 & DFI2310 MODs ~ to C
1. Remove the two (2) outer Phillips screws on the log grate
at the front of the firebox as shown in Figure 11.
9. Follow steps 1 through 4 in reverse order to reassemble
Figure 11
Replacement Procedure for:
Log Set
DFI2309 & DFI2310 MODs ~ to C
1. Remove the four (4) Phillips screws on the log grate at the
front of the firebox as shown in Figure 13.
Screws to
remove (2)
Figure 13
Log Set
Flicker Rod
assembly drawer
2. Pull the flame assembly drawer out approximately 1½
inches (4 cm), or until it stops.
3. Carefully remove the Log Set from the firebox.
4. Disconnect LED harness to Log Set (DFI2310 only). Set
Log Set aside (Figure 12).
LED wire
Screws to remove (4)
5. Pull Flicker Rod to the far right, towards the Flicker Motor,
Bulbs (2)
2. Carefully remove the Log Set from the firebox.
Figure 14
Terminal Block Cover
Terminal Block
3. Disconnect LED harness to Log Set (DFI2310 only). Set
Log Set aside (Figure 12).
4. Pull Flicker Rod to the far right, towards the Flicker Motor,
carefully bend the Flicker Rod enough to release the
opposite end from the mounting bracket (Figure 12).
5. Pull Flicker Rod off of the shaft of the Flicker Motor and
set aside.
6. Remove bulb(s) by turning counter-clockwise and replace.
7. Push rubber grommet of Flicker Rod back onto shaft of
Flicker Motor and carefully bend Flicker Rod so as to
insert opposite end back into mounting bracket.
10.Remove the three (3) Flicker Motor wire leads from the
Terminal Block, noting their original positions.
! NOTE: If Flicker Rod is bent out of alignment, carefully
bend it back to become straight. If Flicker Rod is not
properly aligned, it may cause noise during operation by
rubbing against metal chassis.
! NOTE: Do not misplace Capacitor.
11.Remove the two (2) Phillips screws that attach the Flicker
Motor to the sheet metal. Remove and discard old Flicker
8. Follow steps 1 through 3 in reverse order to reassemble
12.Ensure rubber spacer remains in place, properly orientate
replacement Flicker Motor and attach to sheet metal using
screws removed in step 11.
Flicker Motor/Flicker Rod Replacement
If the fireplace was operating prior to servicing allow at least
five (5) minutes for light bulbs and heating element to cool off
to avoid accidental burning of skin.
13.Insert Flicker Motor wire leads into left side of Terminal
Block as shown in Figure 14. Wire leads from Capacitor
should align with brown and white wires from Flicker
Disconnect power before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
WARNING: Improper re-connection of wiring may result
in electric shock, fire, or injury to persons. Ensure that
connections to/from Flicker Motor match those of the
respective wiring diagram for the particular model and
MOD level being serviced (pages 7-10).
Replacement Procedure for:
DFI2309 & DFI2310 MODs ~ to C
1. Remove the two (2) outer Phillips screws on the log grate
at the front of the firebox as shown in Figure 11.
14.Tighten down screws of all terminals using a small Phillips
2. Pull the flame assembly drawer out approximately 1½
inches (4 cm), or until it stops.
15.Replace Terminal Block Cover using screws removed in
step 8 and follow steps 1 through 7 in reverse order to
reassemble firebox.
3. Carefully remove the Log Set from the firebox.
4. Disconnect LED harness to Log Set (DFI2310 only). Set
Log Set aside (Figure 12).
! NOTE: If Flicker Rod is bent out of alignment, carefully
bend it back to become straight. If Flicker Rod is not
properly aligned, it may cause noise during operation by
rubbing against metal chassis.
5. Pull Flicker Rod to the far right, towards the Flicker Motor,
carefully bend the Flicker Rod enough to release the
opposite end from the mounting bracket (Figure 12).
6. Pull Flicker Rod off of the shaft of the Flicker Motor and
set aside.
Replacement Procedure for:
DFI2309 & DFI2310 MODs D
7. Lift flame assembly drawer up and out so that metal
stop tabs clear the front edge of the firebox. Pull the
drawer out as far as possible without causing damage or
disconnection to wires connected at back.
1. Remove the four (4) Phillips screws on the log grate at the
front of the firebox as shown in Figure 13.
8. Remove the Terminal Block Cover by removing one (1)
Phillips screw from each opposing corner of the cover
(Figure 14).
2. Carefully remove the Log Set from the firebox.
3. Disconnect LED harness to Log Set (DFI2310 only). Set
Log Set aside (Figure 12).
9. Using a small Phillips screwdriver, loosen all three (3) of
4. Pull Flicker Rod to the far right, towards the Flicker Motor,
carefully bend the Flicker Rod enough to release the
the left side terminals of the Terminal Block.
opposite end from the mounting bracket (Figure 12).
9. Using a small Phillips screwdriver, loosen all three (3) of
the left side terminals of the Terminal Block.
5. Pull Flicker Rod off of the shaft of the Flicker Motor and
set aside.
10.Remove the three (3) Flicker Motor wire leads from the
Terminal Block, noting their original positions.
6. Turn firebox onto its back and remove the four (4) Phillips
screws as shown in Figure 15.
! NOTE: Do not misplace Capacitor.
11.Remove the two (2) Phillips screws that attach the Flicker
Motor to the sheet metal. Remove and discard old Flicker
Figure 15
12.Ensure rubber spacer remains in place, properly orientate
replacement Flicker Motor and attach to sheet metal using
screws removed in step 11.
Screws to remove (4)
13.Insert Flicker Motor wire leads into left side of Terminal
Block as shown in Figure 17. Wire leads from Capacitor
should align with brown and white wires from Flicker
WARNING: Improper re-connection of wiring may result
in electric shock, fire, or injury to persons. Ensure that
connections to/from Flicker Motor match those of the
respective wiring diagram for the particular model and
MOD level being serviced (pages 7-10).
7. Turn firebox upright and gently pull the flame and light
assembly out of the firebox gently without causing
damage or disconnection to the wiring at back.
8. Remove the Terminal Block Cover by removing one (1)
Phillips screw from each opposing corner of the cover
(Figure 16).
14.Tighten down screws of all terminals using a small Phillips
Figure 16
15.Replace Terminal Block Cover using screws removed in
step 8 and follow steps 1 through 8 in reverse order to
reassemble firebox.
Terminal Block Cover
! NOTE: If Flicker Rod is bent out of alignment, carefully
bend it back to become straight. If Flicker Rod is not
properly aligned, it may cause noise during operation by
rubbing against metal chassis.
Remote Receiver Board Replacement
DFI2309/2310 MODs C to D
If the fireplace was operating prior to servicing allow at least
five (5) minutes for light bulbs and heating element to cool off
to avoid accidental burning of skin.
Figure 17
Disconnect power before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
Terminal Block
Replacement Procedure:
1. Disconnect power and remove firebox from mantel or
existing fireplace.
2. Remove four (4) Phillips screws from the top and rear,
upper edge of the firebox as shown in Figure 4-A. This
will release the top cover from the firebox.
3. Tilt the top cover of the firebox up and either prop the
cover against a stationary object or situate it in such
a way that there is access to the upper section of the
6. The Remote Receiver Board is located on the side panel
Light Harness Replacement
If the fireplace was operating prior to servicing allow at least
five (5) minutes for light bulbs and heating element to cool off
to avoid accidental burning of skin.
just above the entry point for the power cord (Figure 18).
Figure 18
Disconnect power before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
Replacement Procedure for:
DFI2309 & DFI2310 MODs ~ to C
1. Disconnect power and remove firebox from mantel or
existing fireplace.
2. Remove the two (2) outer Phillips screws on the log grate
at the front of the firebox as shown in Figure 11.
3. Pull the flame assembly drawer out approximately 1½
inches (4 cm), or until it stops.
4. Carefully remove the Log Set from the firebox.
7. Either pinch the clasp to release or cut each of the four
(4) mounting studs (one in each corner of the Receiver
Board) that attach the circuit board to the chassis of the
5. Disconnect LED harness to Log Set (DFI2310 only). Set
Log Set aside (Figure 12).
6. Pull Flicker Rod to the far right, towards the Flicker Motor,
carefully bend the Flicker Rod enough to release the
opposite end from the mounting bracket (Figure 12).
! NOTE: If mounting studs are cut, ensure they are
replaced by those supplied with replacement board.
7. Pull Flicker Rod off of the shaft of the Flicker Motor and
set aside.
8. Clear both ends of mounting studs if cut.
8. Remove both light bulbs by turning counter-clockwise.
9. Install replacement mounting studs (if necessary) by
pushing them through the sheet metal from the outside of
the firebox.
9. Lift flame assembly drawer up and out so that metal stop
tabs clear the front edge of the firebox. Pull the drawer
out as far as possible without causing damage to wires
connected at back.
10. Properly orientate replacement Receiver Board and push
onto mounting studs until all four (4) snap closed.
10. Using side cutters, cut the two (2) light harness wires
(blue, white) in between the Terminal Block cover and
the right light socket (Figure 19). Leave as much slack as
10. Remove one wire terminal from original Receiver Board
and install onto replacement Receiver Board, matching
its original position.
11. Continue with remaining wire connections, moving one
wire at a time, matching its original position.
Figure 19
WARNING: Improper re-connection of wiring may result
in electric shock, fire, or injury to persons. Ensure that
connections to/from circuit board match those of the
respective wiring diagram for the particular model and
MOD level being serviced (pages 7-10).
Light Sockets (2)
Terminal Block cover
12.Once all connections are made, follow steps 1 and 2 in
reverse order to reassemble the firebox.
Socket screws (2)
11. Strip ½ inch (1.3 cm) off the ends of the two (2) light
harness wires on the flame motor cover side.
12. Cut the two (2) light harness wires (blue, white) in
between the left and right light sockets.
13. Remove the two (2) Phillips light socket screws from the
rear of the light assembly (Figure 19).
9. Remove both light bulbs by turning counter-clockwise.
14. Remove light sockets by placing a hand inside light
assembly, grasping light socket and pulling light socket
until it snaps out of place.
10. Using side cutters, cut the two (2) light harness wires
(blue, white) in between the Terminal Block cover and
the right light socket (Figure 19). Leave as much slack as
15. Feed wires of replacement light sockets through holes in
sheet metal, properly orientate and push light sockets in
until they snap into place.
11. Strip ½ inch (1.3 cm) off the ends of the two (2) light
harness wires on the flame motor cover side.
11. Use the supplied wire connectors to connect light socket
wires (blue to blue) (white to white) in between the two
(2) light sockets as shown in Figure 20. Cut and cap the
outer wires (1 white, 1 blue) with a wire connector
(Figure 20).
12. Cut the two (2) light harness wires (blue, white) in
between the left and right light sockets.
13. Remove the two (2) Phillips light socket screws from the
rear of the light assembly (Figure 19).
14. Remove light sockets by placing a hand inside light
assembly, grasping light socket and pulling light socket
until it snaps out of place.
Figure 20
Wire connectors (6)
15. Feed wires of replacement light sockets through holes in
sheet metal, properly orientate and push light sockets in
until they snap into place.
Terminal Block cover
11. Use the supplied wire connectors to connect light socket
wires (blue to blue) (white to white) in between the two
(2) light sockets as shown in Figure 20. Cut and cap the
outer wires (1 white, 1 blue) with a wire connector
(Figure 20).
12. Finally, use wire connectors to connect the light harness
wires (blue to blue) (white to white) in between the
Terminal Block cover and the right light socket.
12. Finally, use wire connectors to connect the light harness
wires (blue to blue) (white to white) in between the
Terminal Block cover and the right light socket.
13. Follow steps 1 through 9 in reverse order to reassemble
the firebox.
13. Follow steps 1 through 9 in reverse order to reassemble
Log Driver Board Replacement
DFI2310 only - all MODs
the firebox.
If the fireplace was operating prior to servicing allow at least
five (5) minutes for light bulbs and heating element to cool off
to avoid accidental burning of skin.
Replacement Procedure for:
DFI2309 & DFI2310 MODs D
1. Disconnect power and remove firebox from mantel or
existing fireplace.
Disconnect power before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
2. Remove the four (4) Phillips screws on the log grate at
the front of the firebox as shown in Figure 13 and remove
log grate.
Replacement Procedure:
1. Disconnect power and remove firebox from mantel or
existing fireplace.
3. Carefully remove the Log Set from the firebox.
4. Disconnect LED harness to Log Set (DFI2310 only). Set
2. Remove four (4) Phillips screws from the top and rear,
upper edge of the firebox as shown in Figure 4-A. This
will release the top cover from the firebox.
Log Set aside (Figure 12).
5. Pull Flicker Rod to the far right, towards the Flicker Motor,
carefully bend the Flicker Rod enough to release the
opposite end from the mounting bracket (Figure 12).
3. Tilt the top cover of the firebox up and either prop the
cover against a stationary object or situate it in such
a way that there is access to the upper section of the
6. Pull Flicker Rod off of the shaft of the Flicker Motor and
set aside.
7. Turn firebox onto its back and remove the four (4) Phillips
6. The Log Driver Board is located inside the firebox, on the
back panel and just under the terminal block (Figure 21).
screws as shown in Figure 15.
8. Turn firebox upright and gently pull the flame and light
assembly out of the firebox gently without causing
damage to the wiring at back.
Figure 21
Log Driver
7. Either pinch the clasp to release or cut each of the four
(4) mounting studs (one in each corner of the Log Driver
Board) that attach the circuit board to the chassis of the
! NOTE: If mounting studs are cut, ensure they are
replaced by those supplied with replacement board.
8. Clear both ends of mounting studs if cut.
9. Install replacement mounting studs (if necessary) by
pushing them through the sheet metal from the outside of
the firebox.
10. Properly orientate replacement Log Driver Board and
push onto mounting studs until all four (4) snap closed.
10. Remove one wire terminal from original Log Driver Board
and install onto replacement Log Driver Board, matching
its original position.
11. Continue with remaining wire connections, moving one
wire at a time, matching its original position.
WARNING: Improper re-connection of wiring may result
in electric shock, fire, or injury to persons. Ensure that
connections to/from circuit board match those of the
respective wiring diagram for the particular model and
MOD level being serviced (pages 7-10).
12.Once all connections are made, follow steps 1 and 2 in
reverse order to reassemble the firebox.
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