C ompac t Rotary Hammer Drill
When 3 Functions Isn’t Enough!
C S011M – Produc t Upgra de
This very effic ient Rota ry Pneuma tic Ha mmer d
offers a “4th Func tion” over the sta nda rd 3
typic a lly found in these types of tools.
1. Drilling without ha mmer a c tion
2. Drilling with ha mmer a c tion
3. Stop rota tion (non powered) with ha mmer a
a nd the a c c essory bit free to spin on it’s ow
is idea l for demolition work
4. Stop rota tion (non powered) with ha mmer a
a nd the a c c essory bit is fixed from rota ting.
idea l for lifting tiles.
Also fea turing c a rbon Fibre a nd Ma gnesium c onstruc tion for the ultima te in strength,
dura bility a nd reduc ed tool weight. The body a lso fea tures Brush Show for ea sy a c c ess
to the brushes for ea sy repla c ement.
A sa fety c lutc h mec ha nism provides a n inc rea sed level sa fety to the opera tor should the
a c c essory bec ome ja mmed. The Power G LO neon a lso a dds sa fety by indic a ting when
live power is a va ila ble to the tool
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